Wood plastic floor anti - dumping

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The Company and all the members of the Board of Directors hereby warrant that the contents of the announcement are true,WPC Flooring Into Your Homes accurate and complete, and bears the responsibility for any false record, misleading statement or material omission in the announcement. October 21, 2010, by the United States hardwood flooring Union (Coalition for AmericanHardwood Parity)Cheap Price Outdoor Garden Flooring to the US Department of Commerce (DOC) and the International Trade Commission (ITC) to submit applications for multi-layer wood flooring originating in China for anti-dumping, Countervailing investigation.November 12, 2010 US Department of Commerce on anti-dumping, countervailing investigation decisions. December 6, 2010, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce formally notified the US International Trade Commission on December Comparison of Natural Teak and Synthetic Teak3, 2010 preliminary ruled that China's exports to the US multi-storey wooden floor damage to US industries, the US Department of Commerce anti-dumping, countervailing investigation, And in October 2011 announced the final results.outdoor patio flooring According to the provisions of the US Department of Commerce, double reverse investigation in the first final results after the annual review, on November 18, 2013, the US Department of Commerce announced the preliminary results of anti-dumping annual review, anti-dumping rate of 4.77%.In accordance with the provisions of the US Department of Commerce, in the annual review of the final results before the announcement,WPC decking the tax rate in accordance with the initial investigation of the final findings (ie: 3.31%) levy (see details in November 23, 2013 published in the huge influx of information network Announcement No.: 2013-043), January 16, 2014, the US Department of Commerce announced the preliminary results of the annual review of countervailing countervailing duty rate of 0.77%, in accordance with the provisions of the US Department of Commerce,WPC decking Prior to the publication of the results, the tax rate will be levied according to the final outcome of the initial investigation (ie 1.5%).
Posted 29 Dec 2016

Posted 09 Apr 2018

Posted 29 Sep 2018

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