I really don't like the model...ahmed is that his name i think it is...the guy in slakhaain....he looks like indian actor rahul dev...lolzz..there both scary but rahul is worse
Age: 125
7762 days old here
Total Posts: 159
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
IMAN said:
I really don't like the model...ahmed is that his name i think it is...the guy in slakhaain....he looks like indian actor rahul dev...lolzz..there both scary but rahul is worse
Give the guy a chance !!! Watch the movie and see how he looks and performs , before giving your oppinion .
Age: 125
7768 days old here
Total Posts: 98
Points: 0
United States, United States
i agree with iman he is ugly
you need to get YOUR eyes sorted out SHABI even in an article it says ahmed is the worse model we have give him a chance i can see it hes a loser and you'll know it to!!!
Age: 125
7762 days old here
Total Posts: 159
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
aSiMa said:
i agree with iman he is ugly
you need to get YOUR eyes sorted out SHABI even in an article it says ahmed is the worse model we have give him a chance i can see it hes a loser and you'll know it to!!!
In that case why is he top paid model in pakistan ?
I think we need to see him on screen before making comments !!!
Age: 125
7938 days old here
Total Posts: 2890
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
to indian inspired people,why u people have bad feeling of pakistani models and pakistani product? Lux international Co. has given a award for aHMAD,will us see a body structure,he is a body builder and smart..and we should wait 'Salakhain' in Eid-ul-Azha'.
Age: 125
7938 days old here
Total Posts: 2890
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
To indian inspired people,why u people have bad feeling of pakistani models and pakistani product? Lux international Co. has given a award for aHMAD,will us see a body structure,he is a good handsome and smart..and we should wait 'Salakhain' in Eid-ul-Azha'.
Age: 125
7782 days old here
Total Posts: 287
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
Ahamd is kewl yaar...admit he hasnt got good face....butt see he's got style...dont u agree.. ...he looks really kewl with dashin mauscles....n how come u consider shahrukh and other indian pple kewl when they don have good faces.....just because they r famouse and got (so called) styles... c ya......
Age: 125
7768 days old here
Total Posts: 98
Points: 0
United States, United States
shahrukh is cute and bolly doesn't take bad faces in there movies if you guys noticed ahmed is not goodlooking at all jis ka face hi acha na ho oski body ko kya karna hai !!!
well i think we should end this topic that's true that allah made everyone but its natural if see someone not that good looking you just say how do i lock this topic lolz
and iman i got the pic you send me of yours and damn girl you are pretty aSiMa37962.1453935185
Age: 125
7797 days old here
Total Posts: 1287
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
imam hows ur ugly face y dont you put your sh*t face in here and we'll see or sh*t i forgot your computer wont be able to handle that ugly face and crash.poor lil' girl
and as for my face goes i am and i like the way i am and that why i have so many girl friends. and i am fine as long as the girls are fine with me.
Age: 125
7768 days old here
Total Posts: 98
Points: 0
United States, United States
YOOO relax now shaby ur gettin tooo mad your stupid enough to put her mom and dad in this you do not have manners or what whatever you said to her goes same FOR YOU she dind't even say anything and your getting all f**ked up are YOU on drugs right now and its not because he is SUPERSTAR you IDIOT you need to get a life iman forget him don't type nth here anymore or else the guy is goin to exploDE lolololzzzzz
Age: 125
7782 days old here
Total Posts: 287
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Pakistan, Pakistan
lolzzz @ iman, shabby and asima...hey y u guyz have fighting yaaar....u dont have to be dat serious at all....moviez are fun...n u guyzzz gotta have fun rather gettin mad ova petty issues..... I think Sharukh isnt beautiful at all...he is in moviez just coz of his so called star power and glamour... n see...don't u guyz think make up can make a doggy look well...lolzzz....sharukh is jus like dat..... c ya................ PartTimeLuver37962.5433796296
Age: 125
7784 days old here
Total Posts: 443
Points: 0
Canada, Canada
PartTimeLuver said:
lolzzz @ iman, shabby and asima...hey y u guyz have fighting yaaar....u dont have to be dat serious at all....moviez are fun...n u guyzzz gotta have fun rather gettin mad ova petty issues..... I think Sharukh isnt beautiful at all...he is in moviez just coz of his so called star power and glamour... n see...don't u guyz think make up can make a doggy look well...lolzzz....sharukh is jus like dat..... c ya................
very funny...u tell me achi shakal kya hai...u guyz r saying as no one has a real beauty okay fine shahrukh is not that goodlookin okay i'll agree but my friend he is WAY BETTER LOOKIN THEN AHMED!!! shahrukh ko tu log dehk ney jatey hain AHmed ko kaun cinema mein dehk na jaiy ga nOT me