new filmcity

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Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Lollywood and the city of Lahore have agreed to a "film city" being constrcuted. Just as in like Hollywood, California, Lahore will get it's own designated area for making films. The area has not been decided but have pointed to making the "Film City" far out into the suburbs of Lahore where the dust and pollution are less of a factor.

This "Film City" will have much up to date equipment such as a modern colour lab, an academy for directors actors and actresses, recording studios, scenery, and yes even a helipad for some of these stars. There is much more that has not been told yet but expect lots more and soon.

The cost to build "Film City" will be around 5 crore which is provided by the Government of Pakistan. The land will be alloted by the City of Lahore and The Punjab Provincial Government.

What a big step for our industry........will it be built oustide the city???????
Posted 06 Dec 2003

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