Fatima said:haan sabhi love to karteey hain but i dont think that true love is still present sab dhooka hia
dont know.... do u lie ??? Not admit that u love someone is also a lie...
love is a feeling...u cant describe it.
sandalina said:humara bhi fatima wala khayal hai love dhokha hai bas true love to ajj ke zamane main hai hi nahin abb to mohabbet daulat ke tarazu main toli jati hai yah matlab nikalta hai mohabbet se.
slik chik said:very true love is the major part of life infact for me its my life.but not everyone thinks the same way some take it as fun but only a few can really really feel it & value it & also only a few lucky people get true love in return & then they share it for lifetime but everone is not so lucky bcoz most of the people just don't value true lovelove aint a thing dat u can pick up in ur hand and analyse it.
meaning of love i very personal.some peoples idea of luv is da typical bollywood filmy love, sum people believe love is a step further than friendship and sum people consider love a challenge and something to be taken seriously.
it depends on the individual how they approach it becuz the idea u have of love is based on ur experience of it or ur fantasy about it.
luv does exist, its a major part of life!
SaPnA said:really u r one of the most lucky ppl innthe world sapna bcoz u got true love & u really value iit.wht else does anyone needs if he or she gets true love as u have got.i think i am one of that luck gul $$dreams
jupiterblue said:aha....where's the people who dont believe in Love???
how lucky u are sapna??
$$dreams said:
SaPnA said:really u r one of the most lucky ppl innthe world sapna bcoz u got true love & u really value iit.wht else does anyone needs if he or she gets true love as u have got.i think i am one of that luck gul $$dreams