Make China the high-end brand

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Age: 2024
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The strategic thought of the company is: Make China the high-end brand of man-made board industry, start top-ranking business. Grain farming organization issued world head share to Indonesia and European Union on September 15 " the forest executes the law, processing and commerce " (FLEGT) lumber license comes to an agreement express to welcome, say this action is indicating blow is illegal cutting purchase great success. Since November 15, licence will accompany the Indonesian lumber goods that exports to country of European Union member, proving these lumber is a basis Indonesian law undertakes cutting, carry, machine and trade. The Robert Xinpusen of FLEGT plan director that grain farming organizes (Robert Simpson) express, lawful sex conduces to proof lumber not only keep within limits cuts illegally the environment that create is destroyed, and to promote a forest to be able to last of community bread is mixed increased opportunity of admittance of international lumber market to open an entrance door.

Indonesian lumber is supplied 1/3 what occupy lumber of European Union tropics to import a worth, and the European Union is the ground of the biggest lumber product spending on the world. Since 2013, code of European Union lumber prohibits European company enters illegal lumber and lumber product area European Union market. "how much is composite decking,decking board used as siding,deck tiles for a flat roof,make a bench out of wood on a deck"

Posted 16 Mar 2017

Posted 07 Apr 2018

Posted 30 Sep 2018

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