James said at the Microsoft Theater

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Got a question on rule clarification, comments on rule enforcements or some memorable NHL stories? Kerry wants to answer your emails at cmonref@tsn.
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.ca! Hey Kerry, Question for you from Monday
nights Rangers-Kings game. In the second period, Derek Stepan beat Drew Doughty
to the puck at the red line. Doughty hooked Stepan at the blue line (before
Stepan had a clear path to the net) and the Refs hand went up for a hooking
minor. Stepan maintained control of the puck and Doughty - after regaining
control of his stick - hooked Stepan again from the other side, but after Stepan
had a clear path to the net and the hook negated a shot on goal/scoring chance.
The call was two minutes for hooking.  What was the correct call? a) Two minutes
for the original hook (as was called)b) Two minutes for the original hook and a
penalty shot for the second hookc) Penalty shot for the second hook/combination
which prevented a scoring chance It seems the by-the-book interpretation would
be two plus a penalty shot. How would you see it by-the-book or
on-the-ice? Thanks!DaveJacksonville, FL Dave, The Referee must patrol the ice
with the book in his hip pocket at all times. Sound judgment is always required
to enforce the rules and penalize violations as they occur. Whenever the Referee
signals a delayed penalty, the meter continues to run and any subsequent
infractions committed by that player or one of his teammates need to be
assessed. On this play Dave, my call is to award Derek Stepan with a penalty
shot and also assess the first hooking minor penalty to Doughty as per Rule 24:
"If the offence for which the penalty shot was awarded was such as to incur a
double-minor penalty, or where the offending team is assessed an additional
minor penalty on the same play in which a penalty shot was awarded, the first
minor penalty is not assessed since the penalty shot was awarded to restore the
lost scoring opportunity. The second minor penalty would be assessed and served
regardless of whether the penalty shot results in a goal." In review, the first
hook/interference by Doughty, while perhaps seemingly minor and did little to
impede the forward progress of Stepan, it is nonetheless an infraction that the
Officials have been instructed to call. Doughty was in poor position and beaten
on the play and attempted to contain, or at the very least detain, Stepan. I
fully support the Ref in making this call. Once Stepan took off in full flight
and gained puck possession at the Kings blue line with no other player to pass
but the goalkeeper, the Refs mindset and conscious awareness must shift to the
potential of a penalty shot should a foul from behind occur. (We also know from
Rule 24.8 (iii) that Derek Stepan did not require possession and control of the
puck for a penalty shot to result from his position in the neutral/attacking
zone if, in the judgment of the Referee, Stepan clearly would have obtained
possession and control of the puck prior to being fouled from behind.) In
fairness to the Referee, once Stepan gained full possession and control, he
exposed the puck to his left side while cutting toward the goal. Just as Stepan
was about to pull the puck to his right and make a play on net, Doughty was able
to make stick-to-stick contact which aided in propelling the puck off Stepans
stick just in front and to the right of the Ranger shooter. Doughty continued
his stick motion into the hands and across the midsection of Stepan, thereby
preventing Derek from regaining the puck which was, in my opinion, well within
his reach. The Referee however may have deemed that the active and legal stick
by Doughty prior to the second hook eliminated Stepans scoring opportunity.
Regardless of any hair splitting as to whether Stepan was denied a scoring
opportunity on this play, a double minor penalty should have been assessed to
Doughty for the two separate infractions he committed. If you care to read on, I
have a personal example to share. One night in the Calgary Saddledome, the
Vancouver Canucks went on the power play. I had previously warned big
Todd Bertuzzi about clearing space for himself in front of the Flames goal by
shoving defenders from behind and to the ice. This was interference and my
warning came with the promise of a penalty being called should it continue. Well
you can guess what happened next. Big Bert knocked a defenceman to the ice as a
shot was taken from the point and I immediately raised my arm for a delayed
penalty. Bertuzzi saw my arm in the air, rolled his eyes and then slashed the
ankles of another Flame. I pointed at Bert with my free hand, signaling a second
infraction. Once play finally stopped, Bertuzzi punched another Flame player in
the face with his glove, either in frustration or defiance. I assessed three
minor penalties plus a misconduct to Bert in that sequence. Coach Marc Crawford
gave his power forward some considerable bench time once he returned from
serving 16 minutes in the penalty box! The next night, I was assigned to the
Canucks against the Oilers in Northlands Coliseum. As I walked into the rink
past Bert and his Canuck teammates, their friendly warm-up with a soccer ball
came to a screeching halt as Bertuzzi gave me the icy stare. As I passed by, I
offered a nod of my head and courteous "Good evening, Bert!" The stare
intensified and no immediate response was forthcoming. When I was a good 15 feet
past the Canucks gathering, Bertuzzi called out, "Hey Kerry, are you going for
the quad tonight?" I turned, looked directly at big Todd and replied, "Thats
entirely up to you, Bert!" Bertuzzi didnt take a penalty in that game as he
played with self-control and discipline. I can tell you that from that moment
on, I enjoyed a terrific working relationship with Bert throughout the remainder
of my career. I believe it was a relationship built on mutual respect but also
with the knowledge that the once the flag went up, the "meter continued to
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. Louis Cardinals for the National League Wild Card, are in
the drivers seat as they open the final series of the regular season, but they
face a large task in the form of the Philadelphia Phillies.
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.com) - The Grand Slam season will get underway Monday at
the Australian Open in Melbourne, where a new champion will be crowned this
.com) - The Eastern Conference-leading Toronto Raptors are back in the great
white north for a brief moment and will host the Dallas Mavericks Friday night
from Air Canada Centre.Four NBA stars have issued a plea for an end to the
violence in America on Wednesday. LeBron James called on athletes in all sports
to use their influence make their cities safer with a message of hope at the
opening of the annual ESPN awards show.James took to the stage alongside fellow
NBA players Dwyane Wade, of the Chicago Bulls, Chris Paul, of the Los Angeles
Clippers and Carmelo Anthony, of the New York Knicks. James is one of four NBA
stars who called for an end to violence Tonight were honouring Muhammad Ali, the
GOAT (greatest of all time), James said. To do his legacy any justice, lets use
this moment as a call to action for all professional athletes to educate
ourselves, explore these issues, speak up, use our influence and renounce all
violence.And most importantly, go back to our communities and invest our time
our resources. Help rebuild them, help strengthenn them, help change them.
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. We all have to do better.The NBA players were reacting as
many Americans took to the streets in the past several weeks in a series of
protests against police brutality and perceived racial bias.Protesters were
demanding answers over the killings of two black men by police in two days,
Philando Castile in Minnesota and Alton Sterling in Louisiana. Dwyane Wade in
action for Miami Heat It is time to look in the mirror and ask ourselves what
are we doing to create change? James said at the Microsoft Theater in Los
Angeles.The killing of the two black men was followed the shooting of five
police officers on Friday when gunman Micah Xavier Johnson opened fire during a
protest rally in Dallas, Texas.Wade said the shootings on both sides has to end,
decrying not only the killing of black Americans but the retaliatory shootings
of the police officers in Dallas.
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Posted 14 Apr 2018

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