deal measure occurrence

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Age: 2024
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Points: 10

This week shares 5 delegates breed to clinch a deal measure occurrence atrophy, among them Gan Ba drops a to lead, decrease 6.16% ; Hophornbeam beans decreases 5.22% . Price respect, because the RMB devalues, the near future goes strong continuously on behalf of variety price index, rosewood of this week of Africa goes up 7.59% , clinch a deal valence signs up for every stere 3500 yuan; Nutmeg of the West Africa that provide a power goes up 3.03% , clinch a deal valence signs up for every stere 2900 yuan. Piscine bead is homebred this weekly restrains log index 1109.34 a little bit, go up 0.42% , clinch a deal the quantity increases 4.36% . Among them camphor tree child the pine drops 0.25% , clinch a deal valence signs up for every stere 1700 yuan; Basswood goes up 0.17% , clinch a deal valence signs up for every stere 4200 yuan.

This weekly restrains index of blessing person log 1192.05 a little bit, go up 0.22% , clinch a deal the quantity increases 1.99% . Among them Qi Mu goes up 0.12% , clinch a deal valence signs up for every stere 12350 yuan; Division wingceltis goes up 0.14% , clinch a deal valence signs up for every tons 10800 yuan. Sawn timber index stops drop pick up "custom wpc material,wpc extrusion molding,composite decking in bulgaria"

Posted 03 May 2017

Posted 07 Apr 2018

Posted 01 Oct 2018

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