Great finds out an advantage

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groom for pulling cart, etc. will see Lao Tze vomit him one face spittle."
The generation of the avenue best matter 35 point out a point to the
officials private Shen that enters to pass in and out in groups, the
look in the eyes envies of pour not much, on the contrary curious and is
hostile to a little Ben Revere Jersey more more, because after this Rui Cheng came, wide governor of province
mansion in the lake became Manchu the officials come together of
ground, and he still on changing the assertion of the hole of former
incumbent piece, invent all kinds of pretexts without authorization
raise in taxes, for the sake of supply soon fall from power of big pure
country, with rent the foreigner of boundary dish to shell two sides.
Suddenly, the crowd appeared a Ben Rowen Jersey burst of rashness to move, sees far and far 2 be dressed in newness to
take an officer, the soldier Xue wipes Mao the bright military officer
right against the face walk, particularly is the left side that, look
however 20 successful in career, the shape is high, the feature is
martial, start to walk road to come to waist bone straight, unexpectedly
give the person the spirited of a kind of knife sword sheath sort.
"At under governor of province mansion expert Zhang Mei living and
once saw Yang Biao all, the Xiao tube takes."Zhang Mei's livinging is
entertaining guest and see 2 people's eyes a bright hurriedly ran to
come over, the flank interloper also
suddenly blasted open and had never thought this young man incredibly is
an emperor just- sealed"honest and brave Ba Tu Lu" new appointee 42
mark mark all Yang Qiu.
"Pei!Small white face, have no**ovum, work oneslf to the bone for
full Da son!"Scolding is stirring.
"One form talented person."Great finds out an advantage.
", He looks handsome."This is the spoony.
Yang Qiu and the Xiao Anne's country just come in, also too
late "appreciate"ed governor of province for a while the landscape in
the mansion, see the Rui Cheng take a woman and greatly help sub-
private Shen, officials to come out hall to come accolade in person,
hurriedly list the knee kneel ground to salute to say hello.
"Mark bottom Yang Qiu(the Xiao Anne's country) pay respects to
governor of province adult."
"Get up, get up quickly."The Rui Cheng hurriedly starts to hand 2
people to say with smile:"The tonight celebrates Yan in the house of
achievement for your 2 people and need not over-courteous."
"If have no governor of province adult to promote to recommend,
there being also no Yang Qiu and Anne the country is today."Xiao An Guo
finishes saying and takes out small gilded box from the bosom, pass to
flank of Zhang Mei living to say with smile:"These are some intentions
that mark the next two people, also hope adult to accept kindly."
"Ha ha, you......."The hypocrisy of Rui Cheng draws a deep
sigh, it is the smiling face Mi of a three inch high pure golds to turn
over to open box to see Lei, immediately on smiling face of face more
very, say:"Serving as soldier to eat food Zan some money isn't easy,
next time can forbid."Finish saying, returned the box to Zhang Mei to
living, also intentionally layer after layer way:"Go, put on the book
case of old man."
After Zhang Mei livings to walk, the Rui Cheng very intimately
grasps 2 people, the beginning introduces visitor for 2 people:"This is
the wife of old man, this BE......."
Introduce madam, Liao, of Rui Cheng gram jade, Yang Qiu silently saw
more eye and poured isn't this madam to grow have much beautiful, but
the achievement that the future generations
Posted 10 Jun 2017

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