What u think about burger culture?that is showing on dramas much indian also in movies,english style lang..english like dresses...Luxuries cars and prouduct and people much attract them.
Age: 125
7858 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
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France, France
hmmm.. vvv bad quest.. coz mujhe iss ka answer nahi pata wellll.. just kee one thing in mind.. difference of WRONG AND RITE.. ab plz dotn ask me right kya hai aur wrong kya
slik chik
Age: 125
7821 days old here
Total Posts: 2359
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nopes that dont work, cuz if u start tinkin bout others then u loose out on ur own desires and way of thinking, so u shud think bout urself so everyone can decide for themselves!
slik chik
Age: 125
7821 days old here
Total Posts: 2359
Points: 0
exactly, not that they gona think bout how u feel n all! ur first concern shud be urself, then others matter! if u keep tinkin bout others, then ul neither be happy urself and neither will they be content with watever effort u put into thinkin bout them!
one more thing ive noticed, the more self defending u are, they more people respect u, altho they maybe the ones who will also be bitchin bout u!
slik chik
Age: 125
7821 days old here
Total Posts: 2359
Points: 0
jupiterblue said:
think about urself ...yeah if u live alone in this planet... but there are people around u, we live in a community.
yup, dont forget that ur not gona be the only one lookin out for urself, everybody's gona be goin the same for themselfs to jupi, i didnt mean u go ahead n be totally self centred n all, but u shud always take ur own side in matters where ur gona be effected the most! sacrifice is not always the best option! sure, do consider others feelings, but if its gona have a negative effects on ur own life, then its better to stick with ones self!
Age: 125
8303 days old here
Total Posts: 5253
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United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
well i hav time.. but my date wont be available so i guess ill tkae my elder sis.. and no ms. kanjoos wanna come with me... though i wish the one and only date i wanna go with wud make it :(
slik chik
Age: 125
7821 days old here
Total Posts: 2359
Points: 0
lets hope so, and anyway, guys r juss...................................dayam, wat shud i call them........................................................ .....cant find the right word.........................................maybe i shud invent on! hmmmm...............not a bad idea! hehehehehehehehe! well, the moment u let them know ud like them to go sumwhere with ya, the start spillin the excuses, big time! arrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!