Reasons for India’s success

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Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

India is a more desirable tourist destination (fact), India has more international investment (fact), India is earning more per head (fact). But why is India ahead of Pakistan in all those things? Numbers alone dont tell the whole story.


Pick up any tourist guide on India and the things of interest other than the Taj Mahal will include Rat Temples, Monkey Temples, Snake Temples, slums, people living in cardboard boxes, etc.

People want to go to India because its different and mainly because its CHEAP! They want to go to a country where a lot of people speak English, where they can get alcohol freely, where nightclubs arent underground, where the local girls are liberalised (westernised) and will sleep with them.

Most of the worlds tourists are from 'Western nations' their idea of a great holiday is to get pizzed, to get laid and to have a curry whilst doing it! Where better than India?

Pakistan will never attract tourists the way India does coz we dont allow alcohol to be freely sold or consumed. We dont allow nightclubs with the sort of activities western holidaymakers spend their hard-earned wages for.


India is getting investment in IT, in facories, in manufacturing and all sorts. Why? Is it because there is something 'special' about Indians? Because they are more 'highly skilled' than other countries?

No the reason is quite simple because it has a billion strong CHEAP labour with an english speaking population. Why pay a call centre worker in London £250 a week when you can hire more than 20 times as many workers in India for the same amount? Why pay for that workers pension, why pay for his sick leave, why pay for his training, etc. Why pay for all that when you already have ready trained call centre workers in India whom you can just 'purchase in bulk. A western company can run a whole call centre in india on a couple of western workers wages, so why not do it?

Same goes for IT, why pay obscene amounts to professionals in the western world to design your website when some Indian will do it for the price of a weeks worth of McDonalds meals???

A lot of car manufacturers are moving their industries to India for the simple reason that its cheap labour and they can increase their profit margins even more.

Is the fact that your country is stealing jobs from other people something to be proud of?

Is the fact that the reason the western world chooses India is because its perceived as a poor third world nation and they can get labour for pennies something to shout about? the end of the day, yes India is doing well because of all the above but isnt it interesting that despite Pak not attracting that sort of 'condescending business' we still have the SAME growth rate?

Surely we must be doing something right!

Other than that i dont think we should go on about things like this and i agree with the sensible posters over there.

Posted 28 Jan 2004

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