Soon to be step mother

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Age: 125
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United States, United States
Ok for all the women out there, please help me!!!! I have no where to turn too.....I dont know who to talk to, so I will talk to strangers. Please help!
Here I go...

I am 18 years old soon to be 19, My boyfriend and Myself are gorwing to be a little more serious about our relationship. I do infact lover him very much and I would marry him! But I would not only be marrying him, but his daughter from another relationship. He is only 22, I thought I was ok with this, but as we spend more time with her I am confronting her mother more often. Please dont get me wrong, I love this little girl with all my heart and it breaks my heart everytime we send her back. I would only be so lucky to have this angel in my life. Yet his ex is making me sick, I get physically ill everytime I encounter her. I cry when we drop the little one off because I am so jealous inside my body I want to hop out of the car and slam her down. I hate her very much, I dont know why, I just do. I get mad that they talk on the phone, on the internet or face to face. I despise the fact they were together so much I question this relationship. I always dreamed when I got married I would be the bride, not the bride and a stepmother. There is so much to think about. I want to have a child, what kind of stress will this bring into my relationship with my husband and stepchild. I never want either of them (my biological child and non-biological) to feel as if i dont love them equal. I would very much, and what if she grows to have ill feelings toward me like I'm "the other women" I dont know that she would understand what really happend when she was only an infant, that her real parents are not married but her father married to "another women" my heart is so broken and tore up right now, I dont know what to do....please help.....there is so much to this story.......
Posted 07 Feb 2004

joker says
well sheric u have so majer prob u need a good friend or u need family member who help you and i tell u one thing she is u r her step mom and may be 99%hate step mom or dad,but dont very its a fect if u love then i think no one stop u and dont be in tension.if u become and take tension then u cant do any thing..i hope u like my idea and if u need more idea or help u can ask here.
Posted 08 Feb 2004

Hey sherice how old is the guy????
Posted 08 Feb 2004

joker says
well i think may be he is elder from her.
bcz he have childe.
Posted 08 Feb 2004

yeah..wohi toh..thats y i am asking..
Posted 08 Feb 2004

joker says
well jub pata tha tp phir poochny kii waja
Posted 08 Feb 2004

i am asking the number...
should explain more or this is enough???
Posted 08 Feb 2004

joker says
i think its not enough
Posted 08 Feb 2004

Posted 08 Feb 2004

Posted 08 Feb 2004

joker says
plz make ure face happy i not like this face.
charizmatic said:

Posted 09 Feb 2004

slik chik says
Alisha<3 said:

i am asking the number...
should explain more or this is enough???


well sherice, it is quite a complex situation u have there becuz there isnt any straight forward solution to this!
i think u need to tell ur bf bout the way u feel regarding his ex, im sure he wont take any offense if u break it to him in the right manner!talk about it seriously and maturely rather than screaming and moaning about it!
thin is ur bf isnt that old either!
wat u need ot find out from him is if there relationship was a very long one or if it was a short one ,remember that havin a child doesnt determine the lenght r the strenght of there relationship!
there is alot of negatively about step moms around the place but at the end of the day, if u love him, u have to be willing to take on all these situation and risks!
at the end of the day, ppl talk, there is no stopping them, and thats a known fact so, u have to be able to ignore comments cumin from strangers and concentrate on those that are near to u and the ones u care about!
its hard to risist havin to defend urself for sumthin u havent done, but it isnt impossible!
i dont think u shud be feelin guilty bout nothing and all, its soo natural to think that ud rather start ur married life without a child, but then, life aint always a straight forward!
so, u need to ask ur bf how serious he is about the relationship he shares with u and how serious he was about his ex and also ask him wat the situation with the both of them is now!
the longer u keep it to urself, the worst its gona be for u, the problem is not gona take any sort of apositive turn unless u talk to ur bf about it and if possible, u shud also talk to his ex aswell, that is if ur on good terms with her!
wish u da besta luck!
Posted 12 Feb 2004

Well Sherice i agree with Slik-Chik coz the best thing to do right now is to confront with him in the best way as possible only then u can live a free life as u want to live it but if u dont tell him whats going on in ur mind than i am sorry to say so that it will be very late to tell him after u getiting married ...tell him if u dont feel easy around his ex or what feelings u have for his daughter.....take care and do the best what u think is ths best ....and talk to someone older abt this matter it will help u more ....
Posted 13 Feb 2004

joker says
yes remember one thing never hide anything from ure love bcz love is the name of personal life is only thing which u can share any thing without any hasitate,and dont be late bcz time never come back.
and if u not tell him then all of ure life u feel bad.
and if one day he know what u hide from them then he also feel very bad..
Posted 13 Feb 2004

SaPnA says
sherice said:

Ok for all the women out there, please help me!!!! I have no where to turn too.....I dont know who to talk to, so I will talk to strangers. Please help!
Here I go...

I am 18 years old soon to be 19, My boyfriend and Myself are gorwing to be a little more serious about our relationship. I do infact lover him very much and I would marry him! But I would not only be marrying him, but his daughter from another relationship. He is only 22, I thought I was ok with this, but as we spend more time with her I am confronting her mother more often. Please dont get me wrong, I love this little girl with all my heart and it breaks my heart everytime we send her back. I would only be so lucky to have this angel in my life. Yet his ex is making me sick, I get physically ill everytime I encounter her. I cry when we drop the little one off because I am so jealous inside my body I want to hop out of the car and slam her down. I hate her very much, I dont know why, I just do. I get mad that they talk on the phone, on the internet or face to face. I despise the fact they were together so much I question this relationship. I always dreamed when I got married I would be the bride, not the bride and a stepmother. There is so much to think about. I want to have a child, what kind of stress will this bring into my relationship with my husband and stepchild. I never want either of them (my biological child and non-biological) to feel as if i dont love them equal. I would very much, and what if she grows to have ill feelings toward me like I'm "the other women" I dont know that she would understand what really happend when she was only an infant, that her real parents are not married but her father married to "another women" my heart is so broken and tore up right now, I dont know what to do....please help.....there is so much to this story.......

well,how come you know that he is the one for you?how can you be sure or how can you trust him that he love you and will not leave you as he did to his ex?he must have sayed the samthing to her such as promising to get marry and stuff.Having child is not a small thing for desi people but if he is desi then let me tell you you should not marry him i think.And being a step mother ahh,if i was the child then i surly will kill my step mother even if she love me so much its just something that a child can't except.
Posted 15 Feb 2004

joker says
sapna u r right.
but sapna they love each others and u listen love is blind and and may be her bf love her so much.
we not see her bf thats why we can only give her ides only
Posted 15 Feb 2004

SaPnA says
heart__hacker said:

sapna u r right.
but sapna they love each others and u listen love is blind and and may be her bf love her so much.
we not see her bf thats why we can only give her ides only

but see the thing is what people doen't understand love is not just that happend with everyone its not like whoever you think is preety and then you think oh my gosh i am in love with that person what the hack is that i might sound mean to her but i am just trying to show her my point of view that he of course did told his ex that he loves her very much and blah blah blha and the result is that they have baby together now how come she is sure that he loves her very much and will not leave her for someone else like he did to his ex.that is what i want to know...i dont know what people think is love liking someone doesn't make you fell for philospy is a person can NEVER EVER fell in love with two persons they think they are in love and can't live without both of them but what they dont relize is that its not love its lust...(sorry for using this word)but oh well....
Posted 16 Feb 2004

joker says
well sapna u win and i lose oook

u r right but sapna question is this why he is ex.?
why she lovehim , is her bf love her.there so much question.
Posted 16 Feb 2004

joker says
well sapna u win and i lose oook
u r right but sapna question is this why he is ex.?
why she lovehim , is her bf love her.there so much question.
Posted 16 Feb 2004

slik chik says
SaPnA said:

sherice said:

Ok for all the women out there, please help me!!!! I have no where to turn too.....I dont know who to talk to, so I will talk to strangers. Please help!
Here I go...

I am 18 years old soon to be 19, My boyfriend and Myself are gorwing to be a little more serious about our relationship. I do infact lover him very much and I would marry him! But I would not only be marrying him, but his daughter from another relationship. He is only 22, I thought I was ok with this, but as we spend more time with her I am confronting her mother more often. Please dont get me wrong, I love this little girl with all my heart and it breaks my heart everytime we send her back. I would only be so lucky to have this angel in my life. Yet his ex is making me sick, I get physically ill everytime I encounter her. I cry when we drop the little one off because I am so jealous inside my body I want to hop out of the car and slam her down. I hate her very much, I dont know why, I just do. I get mad that they talk on the phone, on the internet or face to face. I despise the fact they were together so much I question this relationship. I always dreamed when I got married I would be the bride, not the bride and a stepmother. There is so much to think about. I want to have a child, what kind of stress will this bring into my relationship with my husband and stepchild. I never want either of them (my biological child and non-biological) to feel as if i dont love them equal. I would very much, and what if she grows to have ill feelings toward me like I'm "the other women" I dont know that she would understand what really happend when she was only an infant, that her real parents are not married but her father married to "another women" my heart is so broken and tore up right now, I dont know what to do....please help.....there is so much to this story.......

well,how come you know that he is the one for you?how can you be sure or how can you trust him that he love you and will not leave you as he did to his ex?he must have sayed the samthing to her such as promising to get marry and stuff.Having child is not a small thing for desi people but if he is desi then let me tell you you should not marry him i think.And being a step mother ahh,if i was the child then i surly will kill my step mother even if she love me so much its just something that a child can't except.
well, i guess she'll find out how much her bf loves her by confronting him! and like i sed sapna: havin a child is like childs play itself! the consequences r the tougher end of the story!
for all, it might have been a very short fling for him n his ex and in the meanwhile, they had a child!
just becuz a guy has a kid with another gal dont mean he cant fall in love with sumone else! physical relationships r different to emotional ones!
but like i sed: she'l find out how much he does or doesnt love her after she has this lil chat with him, which i suggested!
Posted 16 Feb 2004

joker says
ohoo u r write.
Posted 17 Feb 2004

slik chik says
i know i am!
Posted 17 Feb 2004

joker says
oho i mean u r right.
Posted 18 Feb 2004

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