R They Worth their asking price?!

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Age: 125
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Canada, Canada
just curious peeps...on what basis do so many lollywood newcomers jack up their asking price 2 star in movies???

the 2 latest examples r shamyl khan and model iman ali. dude stars in a flop, and the broad hasn't acted a day in her life (2 my knowledge) yet they both ask 4 crazy $$$. lol. then we have zara who commands a rumoured 10 lacks per movie...this, after only one hit. lol. no wonder directors/producers don't cast most of these 'newcomers'.....

Posted 12 Feb 2004

director/producer..who is?paindo...uneducated..nonsense?
Zara sheikh deserve extra money...becoz noboby herione beautiful like Zara Sheikh,IMan ali.

if Zara only in 1 movie in a year..it's good for viewers ...not like saima in every next movie..and all badly floped ..our tv screen has got ugly these faces.
Posted 12 Feb 2004

Saki says
i think if the actors/actresses are newcomers then their prices shud b reasonable..they have 2 prove themselves b4 askign 4 such a hi prioce that i m worth it.. .otherwise i don't think they'll get anywhere especially in lollywood (where directors and producers try not to set a hi budget anyway)
Posted 12 Feb 2004

shaby says
zara is only getting 50 000 (half a lack) these days.

the rumor for 10 crore was long way back after he first film.
Posted 12 Feb 2004

i agree with saki 100%....

you don't get money based on your looks. who cares if zara and iman ali look good??? you should get paid based on your performance, and the time you have put into the industry. thats how NORMAL organizations work: in sports, a young new player doesn't get paid more than a player whose been there for 10 years. in almost all walks of life, people get paid based on seniority - not looks.

as 4 saima, she had 3-4 solid hits b4 jacking up her price to 6 lacks per movie. shaan is the undisputed #1 hero and he earns 10 lacks per movie. BOTH have been in the industry for well over 10 years. hit/flop...they deserve the $$ they get. meanwhile zara has ONE hit, and she asked for 10 lacks already?????? LOL. and shamyl and iman have 1 and 0 releases respectively, and they ask for that kind of money??? thats ludicrous.NFAKFan38029.8377314815
Posted 12 Feb 2004

yaaar iam sorry to say but these so called super stars deserves nothing i mean if we take the example of shamyl rite what he did in lp,that was ordinary performance i wont call it a gr8 performance i think he shud decrease his price rather than increasing.
Posted 12 Feb 2004

Posted 12 Feb 2004

slik chik says
lolz wat does gaindaa saurus get paid for, she prob get paid per ounce of her weight! hahahaha!
not tallent, but the fact that she has the ability to cover the entire shot cuz of her huge frame so tjhey dont need to spend much on backgrounds and all!
Posted 12 Feb 2004

gaindaa saurus???? whats a gaindaa sarus?! i don't know no gaindaa saurus.....ya'll know who gaindaa saurus is?! lol.
Posted 13 Feb 2004

paki lion says
slik chik said:

lolz wat does gaindaa saurus get paid for, she prob get paid per ounce of her weight! hahahaha!
not tallent, but the fact that she has the ability to cover the entire shot cuz of her huge frame so tjhey dont need to spend much on backgrounds and all!

Posted 13 Feb 2004

Saki says
slik chik said:

lolz wat does gaindaa saurus get paid for, she prob get paid per ounce of her weight! hahahaha!
not tallent, but the fact that she has the ability to cover the entire shot cuz of her huge frame so tjhey dont need to spend much on backgrounds and all!

well tell u the truth men in pk go and pay 2 see that 'huge frame' so i guess thats y directors pay her whatever to be in their film..
i don't think ppl like change in pk so no wonder zara's doing no good..and thats y saima's lasted that long (maybe other reasons too, i don't know)
Posted 13 Feb 2004

Ashii says

gaindaa sauraaaassssss

goood one..
areyy SAIMA naaaa, aur kaun
Posted 13 Feb 2004

lol...acha..wow...gainda saurus.
Posted 13 Feb 2004

~Fragi~ says
i think da art of acting aint slave of da pretty faces ..... ya can demand ... if ya can act .... on yer faces .. i dona think so ..faces n acting ....haaan ager modeling hoo to in modelin ya earn fo yer face ... per in acting ... yaar ya muz know how to act firz
Posted 13 Feb 2004

excellent points saki and ffm!
Posted 13 Feb 2004

~Fragi~ says
ya know when ever i speak ... hehehe ... itz of 22 carates
Posted 13 Feb 2004

Posted 13 Feb 2004

yaar saima is a good actress but she shud stop doing lead roles now i mean she is not a herione any more but she is a gud actress atleast she knows how to act.
Posted 14 Feb 2004

umair16 says
charizmatic said:

yaar saima is a good actress but she shud stop doing lead roles now i mean she is not a herione any more but she is a gud actress atleast she knows how to act.

i argree with u 100% . .great actresess but picks the wrong role.
Posted 14 Feb 2004

Zara is super-hit in solo urdu movie... but no solo urdu superhit movie of saima..

First impression of any movie even bollywood is face..acting is 2nd step..why pupil like ash and Madhuri?not like bipasha basu despite of her acting.
everybody like Ash becoz of face and body..thoug Ash acting is not extra-ordinary.

Learn lesson to other film industry which we dont take.

many people fedup pakistani movies due to saima's presence in every movie..

atleast due to zara... viewers can take interest in pakistan movie ...and Zara herself is establishing public demand..but lollywood is weak and unorganised...so nobody care!

UPcoming movie 'Salakhain' and 'Pehlapehlapyar' are hot many viewers interested becoz of Zara presence..if saima then nobody could interest in upcoming movies.

Saima's good acting how much audiences could attract in cinimas which u can see in recent 'lp' movie.     

Zara deserve due to public demand ...saima's not increase strong disliking from public...

it doesn't matter to film industry business and development if 1 and 2% like her. ydakh38032.0080902778
Posted 14 Feb 2004

i asked, 'are LOLLYWOOD STARS worth their asking price 4 movies.' i didn't ask 'is saima worth her asking price.' lol. but i respect everyone's opinions, however off-topic they are!

secondly, zara may have quite a fan followig for her looks or whatever, but that wasn't enough 2 put people in seats for laaj, which ALSO flopped. she has one official hit, and that's not enough 2 demand 10 lacks, atleast in my opinion.

iman ali is not worth what she's asking. shamyl is not worth a raise either. similar 2 zara's 'demand', there is a high demand for new hero's, does that mean, give shamyl 20 lacks???? HELL NO! he has ONE MOVIE, AND A FLOP AT THAT!! see my point???!!

Posted 15 Feb 2004

I have not posted for one person..only for those who have some sense of movies and like in a right way of direction.
Posted 15 Feb 2004

author has quoted Zara and then defend his own sweet saima.
Posted 15 Feb 2004

the author brougt up zara cause she's among those who r jacking up their asking price after only one successful movie, and thats what the topic is about.

saima was defended, cause she seems 2 be dragged into almost EVERY topic by others. NFAKFan38032.2867708333
Posted 15 Feb 2004

Posted 15 Feb 2004

valandrian says
Posted 03 Jun 2018

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