Crazy Moments...

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Age: 125
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Done anything totally wack or crazy?

one of the craziest things my friends and i have done when we were in high school was getting kicked out of the movies because we were throwing popcorn at this couple making out in the row in front of us... 'n then as if that wasn't enough, one of my friends threw some candy or something at the security guard....WASN'T MY IDEA!

something else... hmm.. oh yea! hahahah
did sumthing crazy jus last week
my friend and i were walking back to my car, when this desi guy walks by, talking on his cellphone, so i decide, being the wacko that i am, to say "*cough*ugly*cough*" 'n my friend takes this sticker thing and sticks it on his back 'n then starts cracking up! 'n all of a sudden the guy turns around 'n looks at us like we're friend and I at this point are totally embarassed and in our desperate attempt to cover all this up we just start talking about random stuff, pretending like nothing happened... so the guy just shrugs his shoulders, turns back round 'n starts talkin on his cellphone again, having no clue bout the fact that we had just put the sticker thing on his shirt...WHAT A FOB! hahahahha LONGEST 3 MINUTES OF MY LIFE I TELL YA! We drove home laughin the whole way..
Posted 23 Feb 2004

lol. poor desi fob. lol.

ONE of the (many) craziest things i've ever done......

a bunch of us went to a wrestling event and one of ma boyz for some odd reason brought along one of them gay-ass lazer pens.

anyhow, right at the beginning of the show, the announcer CLEARLY says 'DO NOT POINT LAZER PENS ANYWHERE cause they can be harmful....bla, bla, bla...failure to comply will get you thrown out of the event.'

an hour into the show, during a very boring match, yours truly decides to bust out that gay-ass laser pen and point it somwhere....only i couldn't see in the dark where i was pointing, so i randonly aimed and BOOM.....the lazer shines on this BIG-ASS KALAA SECURITY GUARD who promptly kicked all our asses out the building, AND confisgated my friends lazer pen. LOL.

Posted 23 Feb 2004

sharara says
one of the craziest things wew did was.. my friends and i were on our way to a carnival and the dead of our uni asked us to take his bro in law wih us...
now the guy is kindda youngish and had recently arrived from pak and at that time as a real paindu ( u wont know him now he is amazing and a good friend )
so were were thinking of ways to get out of it and so we left him at instead of picking him up and went on.. somewhile later the dean calls and we clamimed we waited and he wasnt there so we left.. so anyway Dean ji saz hes sending him in a cab and since he as just the cab fare to pls pick him up from the industrial are which is deserted.
we agreed.. we waited and when we saw him strolling our way from the opposite road we started the car, pretended to look for him in the other direction, called him name and switched of the mobs. and went off to the place.
as luck wud hav it.. he didnt hav a mob and God knows how he reached there hitch hiking.. and we were given the time of our life from the dean
Posted 23 Feb 2004

2HOT4U says
Posted 24 Feb 2004


but im a normal simple person...nothign xciting ever happens
Posted 24 Feb 2004

valandrian says
Posted 26 Apr 2018

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