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Age: 125
Total Posts: 355
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
i juz wanna know...are people really evil?????? i mean do they juz wake up and say 'hey i'm gonna make someone my best friend and lie to them for 12 years...and use them...and share my deepest darkest secrets with them...while i tell everyones else theirs...juz to make myself cool cuz i am really shallow!'

how can u b such a great judge of character....and then not see the true evil face of the person who has been there always????

ok i'm not hurt, strangely i'm not.....i'm juz a lil pissed...but only a lil.....cuz i juz don't feel that dat bad about it...or anything for that matter. i juz feel a lil like dis [pistols] i dun feel like i wat revenge.....i mean if i found out 2-3 yrs ago..then hell yeah.....but i feel kinda calm.......and not very if i already knew........but i want some insight.

could someone juz answer me....plz......juz give me some kinda answer...i juz want some insight...and plz tell me i'm not the only one who this has happened to...?
Posted 17 May 2003

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