Two highlights of the Asian market: VRGDongWha, headquartered in MinhHung, Vietnam, signed the largest medium-density fiberboard production line contract in Southeast Asia in June 2010. Thai panelmaker PanelPlus ordered a complete production line for the processing of rubber wood. The orders include front-end equipment such as planning and engineering construction, taring machine lines, chippers, stockings and screening, as well as pavement and hot press lines containing 8 'x38.7mContiRoll? Continuous presses. Cooling and stacking lines Saw,
fully automated storage systems and packaging lines are also provided by Siempelkamps. Siempelkamp also offers a 63 million-kilowatt energy plant. Last but not least, PanelPlus also decided to install Siem Reap's short-cycle hot-press line.
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