121804 reference price of products eco Wallpaper: $110 BIHONG series Sweden import wallpaper 3371337233733374 wood fiber product reference price: $380 eco wallpaper genuine wood fiber wallpaper wallpaper wallpaper background gray black vertical stripes wallpaper 6441 product reference price: $120 what wood fiber wallpaper? Through the above introduction, believe that everyone on the wood fiber wallpaper has some understanding of the wood! Environmentally friendly flame retardant fiber wallpaper, good decorative effect, and the economic benefitsWood fiber wallpaper is a wallpaper commonly used in home decoration, it is made of wood pulp polyester, with good ventilation performance, long service life, and so on, the majority of consumers favor. Today, Xiao Bian to give you detailed description of wood fiber wallpaper three major performance characteristics, to help you fully understand the wood fiber wallpaper. A long service life, wood fiber wallpaper by natural fiber interception Nordic quality species, directly processed by special technology and excellent tensile, tear strength, is 8 to 10 times the ordinary wallpaper, its thickness is 2 to 3 times the ordinary wallpaper.
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