
Age: 125
Total Posts: 56
Points: 0
Hey yaaa sup!!! this is Alvina from NY. i was new here so thought ill introduce myself..well im 22 i live in in last yr..ill be done by Dec Inshallah...then skys the limit really very excited about getting into Corporate America...hmmmm what else...I luvv my baby Shahrukh...he's my sweetie pie....n also Hamayoon Saeed whata cutie...n how can we forget Brad Pitt[:D]
I like meetin ppl from all over...I miss Pakistan soooo much[:X] i havent been there for 12 yrs so maybe some of u who live there can keep me updated with the latest...1 thing i know for sure it aint the same Pakistan that it was when i was there...well i hope the change is for the good though....
well i can keep on writing for eva...hehe..but ill stop now though..hope on meetin all yaa wonderful ppl here...
well seee yaa