* March 23rd, 1940 *

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France, France
Allama Muhammad Iqbal, a renowned poet and a philosopher of subcontinent, rejected the idea of common nationhood for sub-continent. Iqbal observed that Muslims of subcontinent were a separate nation.

In March 1940, addressing the 27th Session of Muslim League, held at Lahore, Pakistan’s founder Quaid-I-Azam Jinnah reiterated that 'Muslims are a nation according to any definition of a name,' and demanded that 'they must have their homeland, their territory, and their State.'

On March 23, 1940, A.K. Fazl ul Haq, moved a resolution, which is also called Lahore Resolution, and later as the Pakistan Resolution. This resolution passed unanimously. This was the key step when in line with Dr. Iqbal’s philosophy, the idea of ‘federalism’ under Hindu dominated government abandoned and ‘separate homeland’ aka Pakistan was defined as the goal.
This goal accomplished on August 14, 1947 with independence of Pakistan from the British Throne.

Minare-e-Pakistan symbolizes Pakistan Resolution of March 23, 1940.
Posted 24 Mar 2004

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