We just love our college football, y'all

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We're a tad bit different down here in the South about our college football.
The rest of the country thinks we're too http://www.officialbengalsshop.com/cheap-mens-chicago-bears-tim-jennings-nike-navy-blue-game-jersey-206803-p-1519.html serious, that we lack perspective, that it's supposed to be "just a game" and there are other things important beyond football season.
Recruiting, spring practice and phoning a radio call-in show in May to ask hosts who they think will win a game to be played in October are also essential to our well-being.
No doubt that college football in the South is a different animal, because we have bigger and more expensive zoos.
Starting my 38th season covering college football - that's almost four decades of questionable press box chili dogs - I can tell you college football below the Mason-Dixon line is distinctly ours.
Nobody else is crazy enough to claim it.
As LSU opens its home season tonight against Chattanooga in Tiger Stadium, I'm positive in our football South that we ...
Sometimes lose the game, but always win the party.
Instruct lawyers in divorce proceedings that the spouse can have the house but "I'm keeping the damned season tickets."
Donate to a worthy cause, like pooling bail money for a friend arrested trying to tear down a goalpost after a big victory.
Agree losing to Vanderbilt is always a reason to call in sick to jobs on Monday morning just to avoid the harassment in the office breakroom.
Are acceptable of mixed marriages, such as between http://www.officialbuccaneersshop.com/shop-by-players-akeem-spence-jersey-c-1_3.html Alabama alums and Auburn alums, Ole Miss alums/Mississippi State alums and Florida/Georgia alums.
Can't give the exact date of when man first walked on the moon, but do know that a Georgia freshman running back named Herschel Walker ran over a Tennessee defensive back named Bill Bates, that former Alabama quarterback Joe Namath's middle name is Willie, that former Tennessee QB Peyton Manning used to be called "Peyty Pie" by his momma Olivia, that Florida's Steve Spurrier is the only person in college football history to win the Heisman Trophy as a player and later coach his alma mater to a national championship, and that a Baton Rougean named Dana Moore kicked the game-winning field goal for Mississippi State when the Bulldogs snapped No. 1 Alabama's 28-game win streak in 1980.
Agree any tailgate recipe tastes better with bourbon.
All think, no matter if we're six or 60 years old, that we have rocket throwing arms with deadly accuracy ... until we hit an elderly fan in the back of the head chucking a football around a stadium parking lot.
May not pay the electricity bill on time, but never fail to fork up money for season tickets.
Still don't understand why Missouri is in the SEC or how national championship-winning coaches Lou Holtz and Steve Spurrier ended their Trai Turner Jersey careers at South Carolina.
Posted 16 Sep 2017

valandrian says
Posted 11 May 2018

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