
Age: 125
Total Posts: 1
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
here is a little poem u can do so we can get too know each other
i am (a word that describes you) and (a word that describes you)
i feel (physical or emotional feeling)
i think (something you think about)
i believe (something you believe is true)
i am (a word that describes you) and (a word that describes you)
i hope (something you hope for in the future)
i wornder (something you hope for in the future)
i say (rule to live by)
i am (a word that describes you) and (a word that describes you)
i will (something you intend to do in the future)
i wont (somthing you are determined not to do)
i am (a word that describes you) and (a word that describes you)