Karachi still best market for cinima

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Pakistan, Pakistan
Zulfiqar Ali Ramzi says: "Pakistani cinema is struggling for survival. What people don’t realize is – you can make films, but where will you show them? What it the outlet? If you look at Karachi alone, in the last 20-25 years, Karachi has lost 70 cinemas. That means that the box office is gone. The box office is the cinema. That’s where the money is going to come from, the collecting point is the box office."

Despite the decline of the cinema houses, Karachi remains Pakistan’s best movie-going market. And that’s why some filmmakers now believe the industry’s best hope for survival is by doing more productions here giving Lollywood some needed competition.

This film,Intiha, was the last motion picture made in Lahore by actress-turned producer Samina Peerzada.

She says the realistic tale woven around the social hardships of women was a hit even though it did not follow the usual formula.

But Peerzada was frustrated by how difficult it was to produce in Lahore.
Samina Peerzada, a film maker says: "We haven’t actually evolved as a film industry. It’s run by mafia, the mindset is very feudalistic. We are not thinking international at all. Lahore is stuck in Lahore. It’s like a very deep well and they’re just staying there in that dark deep well."

The actress is now working on television dramas in Karachi and laying plans to revive the city’s film studios, which closed years ago.

Samina Peerzada says: "There are wonderful people just waiting in the wings to create cinema. And I have a feeling that if we are able to revive the Karachi film industry, it will be reaching out the world and showing them our work."

Posted 01 Apr 2004

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