JT Kirkov
Age: 125
8025 days old here
Total Posts: 12
Points: 0
Romania, Romania
I anxiously await to see your picture. Someone emailed me a picture of a penis. Not funny. Their email address is [email protected]. Does this ring bell with anyone?
JT Kirkov
Age: 125
8025 days old here
Total Posts: 12
Points: 0
Romania, Romania
My greatest apologies to Sarah. My sister is embassy guard at Romanian embassy in Kuwait and was shot recently. I am at most stess one can be at. My trip to London promised to be fun but now will be most depressing. I think you are a fine women. No need to send picture.
JT Kirkov
Age: 125
8025 days old here
Total Posts: 12
Points: 0
Romania, Romania
Once again I recieved email from [email protected] saying that it was Sarah. It was a picture of human crap on a plate (with parsley garnish). They wished ill will to my sister.I cannot type what they told her to do. They said Warmth of Love's picture looks like Satan. Is this you Sarah?
Age: 125
8230 days old here
Total Posts: 22153
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
quote: Once again I recieved email from [email protected] saying that it was Sarah.
Ahan :P
quote: It was a picture of human crap on a plate (with parsley garnish).
quote:I cannot type what they told her to do.
quote:They said Warmth of Love's picture looks like Satan. Is this you Sarah?
LOL..... I'm not sure who watch my pic so... keenly ... :) any one wana my pic... I'll give him/her my BIG pic.. it is jus avatar .. 48*48.. .lolz
Listen "JT Kirkov" why you interesting in Sarah.. I don't know.... well if you find some junk mail then go and delete... wid out reading .. as I do... most da time.... thest things are not supposed to be discuss.. and u can block his/her ID for future ... :)
JT Kirkov
Age: 125
8025 days old here
Total Posts: 12
Points: 0
Romania, Romania
I am ready to fly in to London on the 5th. I need to buy some Land Rovers and other equipment for our business. Who knows, I may walk by Sarah and not know it!