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Age: 37
Total Posts: 4
Points: 10

Truro, United Kingdom
Network security is a major concern today, it affected many of countries across the world. Today we all are is talking about cyber security as the number of these attacks increasing every day. If we talk about recent WannaCry ransomware attack, it already affected more than 200,000 organizations in more than 150 countries. According to the reports, this ransomware used Microsoft’s software vulnerability to spread itself across the network. You can be the next victim of this cyber danger, therefore it is recommended to the user to install an effective solution in their network, to know more contact us at Avast contact number UK.Avast antivirus in its latest updates includes the security features to fight with ransomeware attack. If you are the victim of such attacks get connect immediately with Avast helpline number uk +448000294639.
Posted 09 Oct 2017

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