Age: 124
Total Posts: 26285
Points: 0
Lahore, Pakistan
AAMOF......... as amatter of fact
ABT........... about
ADN............ any day now
AFAIK......... as far as I know
AKA........... also known as
ANFSCD........ and now for something completely different
ASAP.......... as soon as possible
AYPI?......... and your point is?
ATB........... all the best
AFK............ Away From Keyboard
At............. The Keyboard
ATM.............At The Moment
A3..............Anytime, Anywhere, Anyplace
B4........ before
B4........ bye for now
B4N.........Bye For Now
BAK.........Back At Keyboard
BBL.........Be Back Later
BBS....... be back soon
BCNU...... be seeing you
BForB/F.... boyfriend
BFN....... bye for now
BRB........ Be Right Back
BRT.........Be Right There
BTDT...... been there done that
BTOBS..... be there or be squar
BTW....... by the way
CWOT........ complete waste of time
CWYL........ chat with you later
CUIMD....... see you in my dreams
CU............See You
CYA...........See You
CUL8R....... see you later
DTRT......... do the right thing
DXRNE......... dictionary
DYK......... do you know
EOD........ end of discussion
4EVRYRS....... For ever yours
F2F...... face to face
FAQ ........ frequently asked questions
FC........ Fingers Crossed
FOAF......... friend of a friend
FOC ........ free of charge
FWIW ....... for what it's worth
FYEO........ for your eyes only
FYI........ for your information
G9....... Genius
G&BIT......... grin & bear it
G2G...... or GG got to go
GAL........ get a life
GBH ........ great big hug
GFor G/F ......girlfriend
GG......... good game
GMTA......... great minds think alike
GOK.......... god only knows
GOWI......... get on with it
GR8....... great
HAG1........ have a good one
HIH........ hope it helps
HSIK......... how should I know
HAND........ have a nice day
IAC..... in any case
IC......... I see
ICQ.......... I seek you
IDTT ........... I'll drink to that
IGTP.......... I get the point
IJWTK........... I just want to know
ILU.......... I Love You
IMO........... in my opinion
IMHO........In My Honest/Humble Opinion
INPO........ in no particular order
IOW.......... in other words
IRL......... In Real Life
IUSS........ If you say so
JAM....... just a minute
JIC......... just in case
JK ......... just kidding
JTLYK .......... just to let you know
KHYF......... know how you feel
KISS........Keep It Simple, Stupid
KIT keep in touch
KUTGW ........ keep up the good work
L8RG8R....... later gator
LDR........ Long Distance Relationship
LL&P......... live long & prosper
LMAO.......Laugh My Ass Off
LNK......... love and kisses
LOL........ laugh out loud
LTNS.......... long time no see
L8R......... Later
LtsGt2gthr......... lets get together
M8....... Mate
MTE........ My Thoughts Exactly
M$UlkeCrZ....... miss you like crazy
NOYB....... none of your business
NE ....... any
NRN........ No Reply Necessary
NE1 ........ anyone
OBTW ........ oh, by the way
OIC.......Oh I See
OMG...... oh my god
OTOH........ on the other hand
PCM............ please call me
PITA.......Pain In The A*8
PPL....... people
PRW......... Parents Are Watching
PRT......... party
QPSA?......... que pasa?
QT........ cutie
RU?......... are you?
ROFL.......Rolling On The Floor Laughing
ROFLOL.......... Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud
ROTFLMAO............ Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A** Off
RUOK?........ are you ok? .
SOHF.......... sense of humour failure
SME1........ someone
SK8 ..........Skate
STATS......... Your sex and age
SWALK........ sent with a loving kiss
THX......... thank you
TMI......... too much information
TTFN......Ta-Ta For Now!
TTYL......Talk To You Later
TOY........ thinking of you
TXTIN..... texting
U....... You
U2.......You Too
U4E........ Yours For Ever
URT1...... you are the one
VBS....... very big smile
WB.......... Welcome Back
W8AM.......... wait a minute
WB.......... welcome back
WYSIWYG....... what you see is what you get
WTF........ What The F...
WAN2....... want to
WTG........ Way To Go!
WUF......... Where Are You From?
W8....... Wait...
WUWH....... wish you were here
XLNT.......... excellent
7K....... Sick
YBS...... you'll be sorry