Your Opinion!

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Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Q: How film promotes or demotes our Culture? Discuss these aspects of Pakistani films ;

* Plot Line
* Script
* Cinematography
* Gender Representation

And the comparison between our new and old movie?

Posted 02 May 2004

well if we consider new movies or new cinema which includes movies like yeh dil apka huwa and laaj they have got all the things the plot the cinematography and proper screenplay and the comparison is very simple between old and new movies well new movies r technically more strong but not as strong from acting and writing point of u mind u iam talking abt old movies of waheed murad and nadeem not the pathetic panjabi gujjar movies
as far as promoting the culture is concerned i guess our movies r far away from our culture most of the movies r inspired by neighbouring contries recently LAAJ is the one movie which was completely based on our true culture i guess its enough
Posted 02 May 2004

movie doesn't make for own is a art even bollywood movies r not like their own's a stupidity...u see fashion is changing every time..but we shod adopt and choose which could be choose according to our society..

here everything has got bad..our dramas r not good like before 80's..when script,story,direction was superb..
time has got fast..
jehal people occupy films industry how wod u expect ..they will make a movie like other country.
Posted 03 May 2004

sal_fan says
pls i need more views...i have my assignment on this due tommorow....pls help
Posted 07 May 2004

well i already helped u naa see ma post
Posted 07 May 2004

the way i see it - films from hollywood, bollywood and lollywood, are all here 4 entertainment. they do not, for the most part, reflect our culture. they stricly entertain and evoke emtions from the audience.

lollywood specifically, doesn't reflect our culture. if anything, it does the complete opposite. it distorts our culture.

the pakistani way of life does not include men/women singing and dancing in a park or a village! it does not include men going around shooting their enemies at will, without punishment. it does not include women walking around half naked, and so on. yet, most lollywood movies depict the above, therefore distorting pakistani culture, in my opinion.

the only aspect of pakistani films that depict a real-life problem, not only for our culture, but others as well, is gender representation. males are more often than not, shown as the main character. other than that, plot line, script, cinematogrophy etc. in lollywood films, do not depict the pakistani way of life.

finally, in comparison to new films, older movies - although they were much more respectable/worthwhile - also simply entertained. rarely if ever, did they reflect pakistani culture. again....they distorted it, if anything.

hope that helps!
Posted 08 May 2004

sal_fan says
NFAKFan said:

the way i see it - films from hollywood, bollywood and lollywood, are all here 4 entertainment. they do not, for the most part, reflect our culture. they stricly entertain and evoke emtions from the audience.

lollywood specifically, doesn't reflect our culture. if anything, it does the complete opposite. it distorts our culture.

the pakistani way of life does not include men/women singing and dancing in a park or a village! it does not include men going around shooting their enemies at will, without punishment. it does not include women walking around half naked, and so on. yet, most lollywood movies depict the above, therefore distorting pakistani culture, in my opinion.

the only aspect of pakistani films that depict a real-life problem, not only for our culture, but others as well, is gender representation. males are more often than not, shown as the main character. other than that, plot line, script, cinematogrophy etc. in lollywood films, do not depict the pakistani way of life.

finally, in comparison to new films, older movies - although they were much more respectable/worthwhile - also simply entertained. rarely if ever, did they reflect pakistani culture. again....they distorted it, if anything.

hope that helps!

tx man... but only if u had replied lil earlier...i already submitted my assignment but hey its kool cuz i already made those points in my assignment...btw THX a bunch...really appreciate yr takin time 2 help others
Posted 08 May 2004

Posted 08 May 2004

movies r fun just fun whether hollywood or bollywood..btw what is lollywood???
Posted 08 May 2004

and why is it called so
Posted 08 May 2004

and where is it located
Posted 08 May 2004

how many films it releases in a year...whats their budget and which country are they produced and shown...
Posted 08 May 2004

what language used?
Posted 08 May 2004

Posted 08 May 2004

lollywood? when did this name was given in which year?
Posted 08 May 2004

Posted 08 May 2004

think i have entered the wrong should have been bollywood
Posted 08 May 2004

think i need to go to that board... adios
Posted 08 May 2004

sal_fan says
r u stupid...u cud have asked all that stupid stuff in one post...!
Posted 08 May 2004

n/p sal_fan! i didn't know it was 4 an assignment, otherwise i would have replied earlier! lol. hope u do good on it. what class is this 4?! just curious...

lol @ your comment 2 bombay_times. i was wondering the same thing.

bombay_times yaar.....lollywood is based out of lahore pakistan. it has been around for a LONG time, but was given its name within the last 10-20 years (i think). if u think LOLLYwood's a funny name, you must have been rolling on the floor when u heard of BOLLYwood.

anyhow.....lollywood makes urdu and punjabi movies. currently they are on the verge of folding. not 2 many movies r being made in general. 2-3 big ones are expected in the summer, and everyone's pinning their hopes on them.

hope that info helps! i'm here if u need 2 know anything else!
Posted 08 May 2004

sal_fan says
NFAKFan said:

bombay_times yaar.....lollywood is based out of lahore pakistan. it has been around for a LONG time, but was given its name within the last 10-20 years (i think). if u think LOLLYwood's a funny name, you must have been rolling on the floor when u heard of BOLLYwood.

btw, it was for history and heritage...i m an art student and we have this theory subject H & H which is infact quite interesting n informative!
Posted 09 May 2004


thats sounds like a kick-ass course. i would love to do an assignment like that. u're lucky...good luck on it!
Posted 09 May 2004

valandrian says
Posted 03 Jun 2018

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