Judge tells NFL NFLPA to tone down their

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There has been much back-and-forth bickering between the parties in the seven-month-oldDeflategate saga, which in its latest development this weeksawthe Michael Johnson Jerseyfour-game suspension of Patriots quarterback Tom Brady upheld by NFL commi sioner Roger Goodellpending legal proceedings.The judge incharge of those proceedingsis now tellingthe league the NFL PlayersA sociationto knock it off.MORE: Suspensions shorter than Brady's | Belichick dodges Brady questions | Goodell believed little of what Bradysaid"While this litigation is ongoing, it is appropriate (and helpful) for all counsel and all parties in this case to tone down their rhetoric,"Judge Richard M. Berman wrote in an order filed Thursday in the Southern District of New York."If they have not already done so, the parties and counsel are directed forthwith actively to begin to pursue a mutually acceptable resolution of the case."The earth is already sufficiently scorched, in the Jordan Willis Jersey Court's view."Goodell on Tuesday upheld the decision to suspend Brady for his role in deflating footballs before playoff games against the Ravens and Colts.Brady and the NFLPApromptly filed a lawsuitin Minnesota federal court on Wednesday.The Minnesota court, which had ruled in favor of the NFLPAin previous cases, was considered ideal for the union, but the NFL had already its own suit in Manhattan.On Thursday,U.S. District Court Judge Richard Kyle ordered Brady's suittransferred to New York,saying he "sees little reason for this action to have been commenced in Minnesota at all."Kyle notedBrady plays in Ma sachusetts, the union Jake Fisher Jersey is headquartered in Washington and the NFL is in New York. He added"the arbitration proceedings took place in New York and the award was i sued in New York."Jeffrey Ke sler, the lead attorney for Brady and the union, said the location is irrelevant."(The change of venue)makes absolutely no difference to us," he told ESPN's Chris Mortensen. "We're John Ross Jersey still in a neutral forum for the first time in this case. Our arguments are compelling, and we think when they are presented here (in New York), they will remain compelling."
Posted 08 Nov 2017

valandrian says
Posted 11 May 2018

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