Celina Jaitley "BEAUTIFUL"

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Rain Man

Age: 125
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United States, United States
just comin from the HEARTTHROBS concert, i was standin right by the back stage, where they go to change their clothes n stuff...(wasn't in there, but right by there 2 inches away " so ne ways, Aish was sittin there celina n fardeen with his broken leg lol...n i saw both of em, aish n celina, believe it or not, like celina so much better, even took pics of her, n the best thing when i took the pic she looked n smiled so i gotta good pic of her too, if i ever get em scanned i'll post em here, but damn now she's my fav neha comes to the second spot while aish moves to the third...oh yea n when hrithik was came, i was again right by the stage, so i yelled booooooo u suck...but it was too loud i know he didn't hear me, but his fans looked at me in the angriest way...and now the bottom line, CONCERT SUCKED for like the hour n half they were dancin on the old songs, i was jus watchin Celine, she's the best...
Posted 08 May 2004

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