Boosted Its Amazon Com Com (AMZN) Position

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Nokota Management Lp decreased Disney Walt Co (DIS) stake by 88.37% reported in 2017Q2 SEC filing. Nokota Management Lp sold 2.87M shares as Disney Walt Co (DIS)s stock declined 2.31%. The Nokota Management Lp holds 378,000 shares with $40.16 million value, down from 3.25 million last quarter. Disney Walt Co now has $161.73 billion valuation. The stock increased 2.02% or $2.07 on November 10, reaching $104.78. About 16.70M shares traded or 127.52% up from the average. Walt Disney Co (NYSE:DIS) has risen 9.26% since November 12, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 7.44% the S&P500.
Nelson Van Denburg & Campbell Wealth Management Group Llc increased Amazon Com Inc Com (AMZN) stake by 121.65% reported in 2017Q2 SEC filing. Nelson Van Denburg & Campbell Wealth Management Group Llc acquired 590 shares as Amazon Com Inc Com (AMZN)s stock rose 13.58%. The Nelson Van Denburg & Campbell Wealth Management Group Llc holds 1,075 shares with $1.04 million value, up from 485 last quarter. Amazon Com Inc Com now has $542.27 billion valuation. The stock decreased 0.33% or $3.78 on November 10, reaching $1125.35. About 2.18 million shares traded., Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) has risen 37.41% since November 12, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 20.71% the S&P500.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.09 in 2017 Q2. Its up 0.17, from 0.92 in 2017Q1. It is positive, as 77 investors sold DIS shares while 606 reduced holdings. 108 funds opened positions while 638 raised stakes. 920.44 million shares or 3.28% less from 951.70 million shares in 2017Q1 were reported. Sfmg Lc has invested 0.09% in Walt Disney Co (NYSE:DIS). Westend Advisors Ltd Company holds 0% or 467,799 shares in its portfolio. 130,958 are owned by Clifford Swan Inv Counsel Ltd Liability. 4,115 were reported by Bar Harbor Services. Fiduciary Services Of The Southwest Tx has 24,719 shares for 0.81% of their portfolio. Johnson Fincl Gp Incorporated invested in 6,516 shares. Lombard Odier Asset Mgmt (Europe) Ltd invested in 17,363 shares. Denver Invest Advsrs Limited has 0.09% invested in Walt Disney Co (NYSE:DIS). The New York-based Richard Bernstein Advisors Lc has invested 0.6% in Walt Disney Co (NYSE:DIS). Brown Brothers Harriman reported 61,422 shares. Laurel Grove Limited Liability Corporation stated it has 3.06% of its portfolio in Walt Disney Co (NYSE:DIS). Beck Mack And Oliver Ltd Co invested in 23,615 shares or 0.08% of the stock. Centurylink Mngmt has 8,428 shares. Greenwood Capital Associates Lc has 2.1% invested in Walt Disney Co (NYSE:DIS) for 76,171 shares. Palisades Hudson Asset Management Ltd Partnership reported 0.2% of its portfolio in Walt Disney Co (NYSE:DIS).
Among 37 analysts covering The Walt Disney Company (NYSE:DIS), 20 have Buy rating, 3 Sell and 14 Hold. Therefore 54% are positive. The Walt Disney Company had 132 analyst reports since July 24, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has Outperformrating by Wells Fargo given on Tuesday, September 5. As per Monday, September 26, the company rating was downgraded by Drexel Hamilton. On Tuesday, January 19 the stock rating was maintained by Stifel Nicolaus with Buy. The rating was maintained by Jefferies on Thursday, May 11 with Hold. Hilliard Lyons upgraded the shares of DIS in report on Tuesday, August 25 to Buyrating. The stock of Walt Disney Co (NYSE:DIS) earned Buyrating by Nomura on Tuesday, April 26. RBC Capital Markets maintained the stock with Buyrating in Monday, August 14 report. The company was upgraded on Wednesday, August 10 by Macquarie Research. Loop Capital maintained the shares of DIS in report on Thursday, August 31 with Holdrating. The stock of Walt Disney Co (NYSE:DIS) earned Neutralrating by Guggenheim on Monday, November 16.
Nokota Management Lp increased Terraform Pwr Inc (NASDAQ:TERP) stake by 50,000 shares to 598,135 valued at $7.18M in 2017Q2. It also upped Ball Corp (NYSE:BLL) stake by 327,677 shares and now owns 653,330 shares. Tesla Inc (Call) (NASDAQ:TSLA) was raised too.
Among 48 analysts covering (NASDAQ:AMZN), 45 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 3 Hold. Therefore 94% are positive. had 232 analyst reports since July 21, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Stifel Nicolaus maintained the shares of AMZN in report on Monday, September 18 with Buyrating. J.P. Morgan maintained the shares of AMZN in report on Wednesday, May 31 with Buyrating. Goldman Sachs maintained, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) on Monday, October 24 with Buyrating. The firm has Buyrating by Stifel Nicolaus given on Wednesday, July 29. The firm earned Buyrating on Thursday, February 18 by Canaccord Genuity. The firm has Buyrating by Jefferies given on Friday, October 27. Oppenheimer maintained the shares of AMZN in report on Tuesday, September 1 with Buyrating. Mizuho maintained it with Buyrating and $645 target in Friday, July 24 report. The firm earned Buyrating on Wednesday, May 31 by Jefferies. As per Monday, August 7, the company rating was maintained by Tigress Financial.
Since May 15, 2017, it had 0 insider buys, and 3 insider sales for $7.38 million activity. $2.70M worth of, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) was sold by WILKE JEFFREY A on Monday, June 5. Blackburn Jeffrey M sold $1.99 million worth of stock. $800,000 worth of, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) shares were sold by ALBERG TOM A. 1,985 shares were sold by Jassy Andrew R, worth $1.90M. 2,333 shares valued at $2.24M were sold by Olsavsky Brian T on Monday, May 15. Zapolsky David sold $2.24 million worth of stock. On Monday, May 15 the insider Reynolds Shelley sold $521,627.
Nelson Van Denburg & Campbell Wealth Management Group Llc decreased Vanguard Mid (VOE) stake by 8,311 shares to 105,426 valued at $10.85M in 2017Q2. It also reduced Vanguard Mega Cap Value Etf (MGV) stake by 9,273 shares and now owns 136,956 shares. Vanguard High Dividend Yield Index Fund (VYM) was reduced too.
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Posted 14 Nov 2017

valandrian says
Posted 15 May 2018

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