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Rain Man

Age: 124
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United States, United States
Today I want all of us to know, that we Indians are now all set to pay off what we owe U.S.A, from now we don’t owe any one any thing. Wow that is great now I feel really good, that our India is doing great. It has always been. Indian President talking to Raj, you are the trusted agent of India no one knows you in public and now I have check in my hand, it is a check of 275 million dollars and seriously it is very important, I want you to go to America and give this to Kevin Johnson, he is America’s under cover agent. Raj said, don’t worry sir, I won’t come back until they announce it on T.V that they got this check. I am proud of you Raj, here and take care of it.
Now Raj is going to America with this check that he has to give it to, Kevin Johnson. Mom I am not going on border, I am just going to America for some days and will be back soon, so stop praying. Mom said, Raj I don’t care where you going, but if you are leaving the house I want you to be safe and I am your mother it’s my love to pray for you, you should know that. Raj said, yeah mom I know that, but can I go now I have to leave in an hour. Mom said, ok take care my son, and be back soon. Hi my name is Raj and here is my passport and this is my ticket. Thank you Mr. Raj takes these and put them on your bags and here is your stuff, your plane should be on your left # 840. Raj said, thank you too and have a nice day. Raj was sitting in a plane and a girl came and set next to him. Raj looked at her and said, is this your seat or you’re just sitting here? My name is Kelly and this is my seat I am not just sitting here, so don’t think I am interested in you. Raj said, well was that an insult, because I am a married man. Kelly said, don’t get too smart with me, I am not an Indian woman. Raj said, I can see that too, Indian girls are smart and have manners, any ways nice talking to you I am just going to switch my seat now. Kelly took out her cell phone, hello this is Kelly, listen he moved from here, I was a little bit rude with him. Kevin said, I wanted you to be there so nothing bad will happen, you are so hope less, now have fun don’t need you any more. Raj was sitting in his other seat and he was so upset with the check he have in the bag. Kelly came and set next to him again, ok I was a little stupid but now let me tell why I was there, you have the check you don’t want to lose and I am here to take you where you have to go. Raj answered, let me tell you, I know where I have to go and I don’t need your help, so whose gona switch seats this time, me or you? Kelly said, I was right you’re an idiot, don’t worry I’ll switch this time. Every one was getting out from the plane. Raj saw Kelly she was following him, he stopped and looked back. Raj said, look whose back, its Kelly, and what do you want now. Kelly said, listen you stupid, this is not a game you playing every one in the whole world know that you’re coming today to give this check to our government agent Kevin, and they are after this check too, don’t you think people would love to cash this big amount of money? Raj said, yea I think so, but how can I trust you that you’re on my side? Kelly you want to talk to Kevin on phone? Raj said, no because that doesn’t prove any thing, any one can be on the phone, I can’t see him you know. Kelly said, ok then let’s go. Raj said, I am going alone and don’t follow me this time, because I will shoot you the next time I find you following me. Kelly said, ok bye then. Raj said, thanks and left from there. Raj met Kevin. Hi, I am Kevin and I am here to pick up this check, I am sure you will ask me to prove my self if I am the real guy, right? Raj smiled, I am sorry but that’s my job you know. Kevin said, hey if I were you I would’ve done the same thing, here this is my id, you can call 911 right now and ask them if I am listen, this my license. Raj said, thanks and I’ll be back. After 15 minutes Raj came back and said, ok I trust you now, here is the bag and all the files and the pay check is in there. Kevin said, you have done a great job now it’s my turn and thanks again! Raj said, no problem, take care now, later. Raj left to his hotel and Kevin left to drop off the check. Kevin got in the car he opened his glove department but it was so full he couldn’t fit the bag, so he put it on the seat and while he was driving he felt hungry and went to get something to eat. Kevin stopped the car front of the Dunkin Donuts to get some donuts. When Kevin went inside he forgot to lock his car and in the mean time a kid came by the car and saw that bag, the bag was very nice and clean that the kid opened the door and took the bag with him and left. Kevin came back and start driving again he got to his office, and all of them were waiting for him outside they came up to him and asked where the bag is? Kevin when looked towards his seat there was no bag there. Kevin looked around the whole car and he looked at them and said, I am so sure that the bag was right here next to me. Officer asked, so now where is it, what happened to it? Kevin said, I don’t know. Officer said, sir I don’t know is not good enough, you can get arrested and spent your whole life in jail, we need that bag, you have 24 hours to find it. Kevin start driving his car, he was so angry, where did I put the bag it was right here, lets start from the start...Mr. Raj gave me the bag, I took it putted on the right seat, stopped the car...that’s it I stopped the car by Dunkin donuts and maybe someone was following me I didn’t locked the car and someone took it. Kevin yelled at him self, just one mistake and everything is ruined now, I have to look for it, I am going to ask for help but from whom, yes Raj can help me. Kevin right away went to Raj’s place. Raj came, so what happened Kevin? Kevin told him everything. Raj said, how can you lose it like that man, you know I am in trouble now; they will think its me who did that. Kevin said, you’re in trouble but I am in worst I can go to jail. Raj said; ok now tell me how much time we have. Kevin said, I hate to say that but we have 17 hours left. Raj said, ok let’s find this bag, because I don’t want to lose my life and I don’t think you want it too. Kevin and Raj start looking for the bag, Kevin was asking every one by the Dunkin donuts if any one saw the bag. Raj was doing the same but after an hour Raj came up to Kevin and said, look what we are doing is so stupid no one is stupid enough to tell us if they stole it, so now when you have already made a mistake let’s go home and let’s wait and see what will happen? Kevin went to his office and Raj went to Sonia’s house, Sonia is Raj’s sister. Raj was sitting there and Sonia asked, what happened you look so tired. Raj said, nothing you know the check I brought from India, I gave to this guy and he lost it. Sonia said, what now what’s going to happen, go find the check. Raj said, its not that easy to find that check, he didn’t lose it in his room someone stole it from him. Sonia said, so now what are you going to do? Raj answered, nothing I am just going to wait and see what will happen, but I am sure nothing good will happen. Raj went to get some water and then he went in Rahul’s room. Rahul is the only child Sonia has. Raj asked, so what are you up to Rahul? Rahul said, nothing I was just doing my home work. Raj was looking around and he saw the same bag. Raj asked, where did you get that bag? Rahul answered, I bought it. Raj picked up the bag and then when he checked every thing was inside and the check was there too. Raj asked, tell me the truth who gave you this bag? Rahul said, I stole it from some one; I liked it that’s why. Raj said, never ever steal in your life again, because that can make any one’s life a living hell, now I am taking this bag and not telling your mom what you did, but next time I find you stealing some thing, I will punish you like no other, bye. Raj said bye to Sonia and left the house, called Kevin, Kevin said, hello
Posted 19 May 2004

WAFA says

miracles do happen
Posted 20 May 2004

Rain Man says
its in my hands
Posted 21 May 2004

WAFA says
yea i know ....waisey it was nice
Posted 21 May 2004

Rain Man says
thanks, tryin to make different ones, the ideas are all taken
Posted 21 May 2004

WAFA says
yea keep trying....and always try to write sumthing different
Posted 21 May 2004

Rain Man says
ofcourse...if i write same thing over n over again, then there is point of me writtin
Posted 21 May 2004

WAFA says
Posted 22 May 2004

Rain Man says
Posted 22 May 2004

~Fragi~ says
ENd bhi hogaya ...
Posted 01 Jun 2004

Rain Man says
aur nahin to kya, endless story to sirf love story ho sakti hai wo bhi true...aur wo mein likh nahin sakta
Posted 02 Jun 2004

fairl_gal2 says
Posted 13 Jun 2004

valandrian says
Posted 18 May 2018

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