^^^cOlOr persOnality^^^

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Age: 125
Total Posts: 5562
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San Marino, San Marino
Here we go......!

RED personalities are dynamic and direct but also generous. They are strong in character and love to be active and competitive. You are solid in knowing what you want and usually win. You have strength, courage, and conviction of your rights, as well as wanting equal justice for all. Your occupation may that of a surgeon, emergency medical technician, weight lifter, athlete, chiropractor, entrepreneur or a pioneer in some field etc.

ORANGE personalities reveal high energy and are often restless. Your competence and capabilities to organize are unmatched by any other color. You flow straight as an arrow when focused and like the sun at dawn, you give purpose to all who know you. You are very conscious of design, form and structure. No messy offices or homes for you. An architect, chef, engineer, designer or marketer - you'll find your niche in these professions. You are a great self starter and motivator.

YELLOW is the universal communicator. You are bright and expressive and give warmth to many. Sometimes you talk too much, but all the world listens to your sharing. At times you're happy, at times you're funny, and you're always good in sales. When you learn to listen, many see you as the great counselor, as you are sought for your talents to advise. You are the life of the party, the best friend of man, and the voice of the country. The communications field appeals to you as a profession. Writing, speaking, acting, radio and tv appeal to your shining nature.

GREEN personalities have good perception and awareness about most things, but don't appreciate sudden surprises. You're too stable to have your boat unexpectedly rocked. Your superior mind, enjoys details and balanced ledger sheets. Some call you a healer, yet some may call you a scientist. As a practitioner, your skills are unequaled, for you can usually see clearly into any situation. Health and balance are your goals, for you would like to discover life's hidden secrets, as well as return the earth and all of it's inhabitants to natural harmony. You could be a great CPA, farmer, physician, office manager, herbologist, anthropologist, naturopath etc.

TURQUOISE personalities bring sparkling youthfulness, imagination and fresh ideas to most situations. You usually project a calm and cool exterior and are capable of dealing with demanding events. You have attitude which allows you to "take it in your stride" and you tend not to panic easily, and act with clarity. Your contemporary acceptance of today's' color world enables you to give faith to others. Some seek you for enlightenment, others for practical insight; for whoever seeks you, you offer inner calmness. Turquoise people relate well to the 'idea' world and anything that is innovative. You could be an inventor, scientist, quantum physicist, airline pilot, astronomer or New Age entrepreneur.

BLUE personalities are creative and the most artistic of all of the colors. Imagination is your name. You love your mind and strive to express it freely. You want to reach the stars and to bring them down to form. Art, music and literature stimulate you. When motivated to solve a problem, you have a strong creative sense of insight, as well as practicality. Blue people tend to be trustworthy, reliable and honest. Others feel comfortable in your presence as you project and generate a non-threatening, serene, secure energy. You could be a singer, orator, psychological counselor, artist, diplomat, member of the clergy, nurse, doctor or fit well in the helping professions.

PURPLE personalities are visionaries and are the most intuitive of all of the colors. Your basic essence is one of spiritual consciousness and awareness. You are usually interested in all aspects of the mystical and psychic forces which are beyond that of physically explicable world. You are willing to serve others in a worth while way often in some form of healing. There resides in you a true dignity and nobility. You find it natural to express yourself aesthetically and artistically and you may be involved in the artistic professions, a religious organization, or in activities which have a degree of ceremony, high or fine quality, extravagance or wealth. Many healers and psychics have 'purple' personalities.

MAGENTA (PINK) personalities project the fundamental qualities of kindness, gentleness and consideration. You are usually affectionate and warm, showing compassion and love for others. You are often very mature, with a deep understanding of life, and you will instinctively encourage and guide others toward their full potential. Others find you genuine, cooperative and friendly. You are the true Humanitarian. You may aspire to philanthropy, healing professions or you may find yourself heading or volunteering for agencies that create change for the good of the whole. You are a leader and are willing to take on much responsibility. You could be the President of a company or country.

what's yo color?

Posted 23 May 2004

SanaSana says
red n blue shades says to me....that

RED personalities are dynamic and direct but also generous. They are strong in character and love to be active and competitive. You are solid in knowing what you want and usually win. You have strength, courage, and conviction of your rights, as well as wanting equal justice for all. Your occupation may that of a surgeon, emergency medical technician, weight lifter, athlete, chiropractor, entrepreneur or a pioneer in some field etc.

BLUE personalities are creative and the most artistic of all of the colors. Imagination is your name. You love your mind and strive to express it freely. You want to reach the stars and to bring them down to form. Art, music and literature stimulate you. When motivated to solve a problem, you have a strong creative sense of insight, as well as practicality. Blue people tend to be trustworthy, reliable and honest. Others feel comfortable in your presence as you project and generate a non-threatening, serene, secure energy. You could be a singer, orator, psychological counselor, artist, diplomat, member of the clergy, nurse, doctor or fit well in the helping professions.

well well well.....
very true.....can't say very very true.....but yaa this is ma personality.

Posted 23 May 2004

Ashii says
i loovvve aalllll colors,,,

Posted 23 May 2004

friend_16 says
me too... i luv all colors

laiken best r blue.. yellow n red!
Posted 23 May 2004

Guest_005 says
Apun k matlab ka koi bhi nahi hai....
Posted 23 May 2004

CuteEsha says
mere bhi matlb ka koi nahin hai
Posted 24 May 2004

drchohan83 says
Posted 20 Jul 2004

Posted 20 Jul 2004

~CHANDNI~ says
red    and   black

Posted 20 Jul 2004

Purple rox!
Posted 20 Jul 2004

subha says
Posted 20 Jul 2004

~CHANDNI~ says
Posted 21 Jul 2004

SanaSana says
Posted 21 Jul 2004

valandrian says
Posted 25 Apr 2018

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