Teen Tracker
Age: 125
Total Posts: 28886
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
One year later I was searching for a image and found in JB.Accidentally I get inside the forum and from that day I am member of this unique forum.
This forum has supported me to take some decissions. Elimintated the lonliness factor from my life. Give me many good friends I would remain thank ful JB team for that.
Some friends who made me to remain attached from this forum are
Age: 37
7784 days old here
Total Posts: 11550
Points: 0
Police State, Pakistan
he diddent say Javad! yeah Janubaba is a pretty cool place, i'am a minority where i live because my family is from a city in pk and not a village, so the idea that a girl can wear jeans is to them (a sign of keamatt) where as on Janubaba because most ppl here are from citys in pk you have the educated opions excluding Javad he's a pindo
Age: 125
7948 days old here
Total Posts: 56416
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
TeenTracker said:
One year later I was searching for a image and found in JB.Accidentally I get inside the forum and from that day I am member of this unique forum.
This forum has supported me to take some decissions. Elimintated the lonliness factor from my life. Give me many good friends I would remain thank ful JB team for that.
Some friends who made me to remain attached from this forum are
Age: 43
8270 days old here
Total Posts: 64603
Points: 0
Neutral Zone,
TeenTracker said:
One year later I was searching for a image and found in JB.Accidentally I get inside the forum and from that day I am member of this unique forum.
This forum has supported me to take some decissions. Elimintated the lonliness factor from my life. Give me many good friends I would remain thank ful JB team for that.
Some friends who made me to remain attached from this forum are