well, i bet no 1s written about this before , to tell the truth im quite new to this talk thing. by the sounds of it he is goovy and tries to be good everytime well someones gotta tell him he needs to have a laugh. i have noticed , most the time he calls the topics stupid - like mine about " girlz better than boyz" well if he thinks their so stupid why in hell does he reply- anyway its not his dads site .what do you think. my opinion- he is a bastard[}:)]
Hi Pakistan
Age: 125
8231 days old here
Total Posts: 62
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Denmark, Denmark
quote:Originally posted by samina
well, i bet no 1s written about this before , to tell the truth im quite new to this talk thing. by the sounds of it he is goovy and tries to be good everytime well someones gotta tell him he needs to have a laugh. i have noticed , most the time he calls the topics stupid - like mine about " girlz better than boyz" well if he thinks their so stupid why in hell does he reply- anyway its not his dads site .what do you think. my opinion- he is a bastard[}:)]
samina !!!dot act like a little kid and piss off on users .....every one has his or her own school of thinking and freedom of expression is allowed at JB . if some one call stupid to a topic then he/she has own way thinking .....u cant change it ......if u dot like some one or poster of some person then ignore him or her .....instead of coming wid childish remarks .....
Age: 125
8350 days old here
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Iraq, Iraq
hola sinoreta kia baath hai 2 post he main aap nea bazigaar khee baree main kuch likh liya kiyooo daal main kuch na kuch to kala hai welcome to jb have fun enjoy
Age: 125
8388 days old here
Total Posts: 54
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well hello pakistan samina cant help acting like an idiot because thats exactly what she is - an idiot ...
samina baz was the mod of this site as well as a member ! ...if he ever gave his opninion on ur post, it was his OPINION only ...baz only objected to things that he thought will be hurtful to any members...
Age: 125
8106 days old here
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ok first thing where da fu@#ing hell is the moderator now? :@ second well on baziger...hmm....yah in my very personal opinion we shouldnt be discussing anyone else cuz as they say shitty peopletalk bout other peoples crap people talk about other things And people like me....well they dun talk much :)
Age: 125
8239 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
MAni...Our Modeartor is of no use......kam ke wakt woh ata nahi hai.....!us ko rehne do......! n samina welcum on jb..n mind ur language.....u hve no rights to say nythin to bazii...he's an old member ... nif he didnt like ur topic then dats not a big deal.....its not necessary dat every1 will likeur topic....if i say i dun like ur topic as well den wot u dona say.....u gona create a new topic dat whts ur opinion abt london ki hoor? these r all crap fings.....k.......n next time b careful before u say nythin bout ny other memba....! take care....c ya..
Age: 125
8350 days old here
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Iraq, Iraq
MAni...Our Modeartor is of no use......kam ke wakt woh ata nahi hai.....!us ko rehne do......! mew mod kahan hoo sun loo app kuch kaam khee bhee naheen hai lol
Age: 125
8106 days old here
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well ur opinion bout sumone else mite piss them off hahahahaha or hurt them maybe :| one shud keep theri mouth shut about everyone else or least dont talk about them so seriously
Age: 125
8326 days old here
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samina...u shouldnt go around talkin stupid about other memebers[:(!][:(!]....cause everyone has their own opinion there own way to talk.....[:)]....and my opinion about bazi is that HE IS A NICE GUY[:D]...cheers!!![8D]
Age: 125
8257 days old here
Total Posts: 32
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quote: kuch bhee naheen mod ka intizaar hoo raha hai
Post not deleted because of the following reason.
PM from Bazigaar>>>
quote:nah it;s alright yaar...i don;t mind...lol...hadees is k every muslim is another muslim's mirror...meaning a muslim sees himself in other muslim...so if i am a bastard...lol...dat makes her one too...don;t u think so? and secondly i don;t really care about what anyone think sabout me or whatever....cuz only cowards can talk and shout on the back...she didn;t had gutts to reply to my reply in her post so she came down to her reality...lol...i would have answered her promptly but nah...i am not use to arguing with cheap ppl cuz they drag u down to their level and beat u with experience...so it;s ok....she can call me king or she can call be bastad...i ain;t gonna become one by her syaing...lol....whatever i am..i am...and esaa he hoon mae...u don;t need to delete nothing...it;s alright....it only shows her mantality and what her parents taught her? or maybe as i said in the begining...muslim is mirror of another muslim....so if she is one...lol..u know...Bastard......then maybe she never got chance to learn from her real parents anyways u know what i mean...so who cares what she cays.,.she can go fly kite...lol....acha gottago...cheers.... [8D]