hi now i have a place to express my feelings about this topic i think it should not be allowed cause cum on man its like getting married to ur bro or sis i myself is stuck in thsi position were i ahve to get married to my cousin but its not rite cause for example for myseldf i dont like him the thing that makes a lmarriage works is understanding luv not ganging up on each other all cosuins want who are abpoard is to cum to countries liek teh uk usa etc they dont care about the person involved who is abopit to sacrafice evrythiong all tey care about is money and sending it back home
i fink getting married to cosuins sucks and i fink its about time parents wait til teh children are big enough and ask what there opinions are not jus say that u r getting marriwd to ur cousin they have to understand that there time was diffrent and now times haver changed careers etc play a big part in society if a female wants a career then she is forbid cause her husband says that she cannot but if a male wants to anyfing and then he is allowed to why is that the case
anyhowz this is a very complex subject and will continue on this another time
Age: 125
8074 days old here
Total Posts: 17
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well dunno wat to say. thaz ur opinion. everyones got different views on everything and thats wat makes the world go round. if ur parents are forcing you into somethin u don't wanna do then you really gotta sit down and talk to them. i, myself am in the same position but i like the guy. i got to know him and i really like him. but we're still both young and our parents don't want anything any time soon. either just tell ur parents the truth or just get to know the guy. trust me ur parents aren't gonna do something thats not right for you. no one knows you better than urself but ur parents are the next best people. they never wanna hurt you they just want the best for you. they may not always be right but they're trying their best. 'i hope that helps...best of luck!'