Age: 125
8297 days old here
Total Posts: 5253
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
well sorry to burst ur bubble on this one.. but take it form a girl.. girls do luv boys younger then them.. and there hav also been many cases of marraiges where the girl is older then the guy. take sachin tendulkar, take saif ali and amrita, there hav been many in bollywood,hollywood etc. take elizabeth taylor, there is almost a trend of younger men and older women in west.
as far as looking goes... its all in the eye of the beholder.. sometimes.. u can hardly tell. but i am not vetoing it or supporting it.. all im doing is putting down a lil fact that is does happen and sometimes.. it lasts more.
wot matters is again the sentiments and the intensity of those.. the rest hardly matter.
Age: 34
7605 days old here
Total Posts: 105
Points: 0
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
sharara said:
well sorry to burst ur bubble on this one.. but take it form a girl.. girls do luv boys younger then them.. and there hav also been many cases of marraiges where the girl is older then the guy. take sachin tendulkar, take saif ali and amrita, there hav been many in bollywood,hollywood etc. take elizabeth taylor, there is almost a trend of younger men and older women in west.
as far as looking goes... its all in the eye of the beholder.. sometimes.. u can hardly tell. but i am not vetoing it or supporting it.. all im doing is putting down a lil fact that is does happen and sometimes.. it lasts more.
wot matters is again the sentiments and the intensity of those.. the rest hardly matter.
Age: 125
7856 days old here
Total Posts: 5317
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
yaae sedhi si baat hai banday ko jo bandi pasand hoo us se shandi karnay ka khallas baray chotay se kuch nahi hota after all our PROPHET PBUH also married wid the gal alder then HIM.