Age: 125
Total Posts: 75
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
Love is enough: though the world be a-waning,
And the woods have no voice but the voice of complaining,
Though the skies be too dark for dim eyes to discover
The gold-cups and daisies fair blooming thereunder,
Though the hills be held shadows, and the sea a dark wonder,
And this day draw a veil over all deeds passed over,
Yet their hands shall not tremble, their feet shall not falter:
The void shall not weary, the fear shall not alter
These lips and these eyes of the loved and the lover

Age: 125
7951 days old here
Total Posts: 56416
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
From a box on my screen,
to a voice on the phone,
to the most special person
I have ever known.
From the day we met
to being engaged,
my feelings for you
will never change.
You are so special,
wonderful, caring and kind;
you are in my thoughts
all the time.
The things you do,
the things you say,
you help me get through
day to day.
You are the most special person
I have ever met,
remember that
and don't you ever forget.
I love you so much
that words can't describe
the love I feel for you
deep inside.
You are in my thoughts
and dreams every day,
but there's one more thing
I have to say,
The best day of my life
was the day we met
and it was all because
of the Internet.
Dan, I love you.