Age: 124
Total Posts: 26285
Points: 0
Lahore, Pakistan
Nursery Rhymes..!
Laloo Bhai bihari
Went up the pahari
To fetch a bail for court order
Laloo fell down
And lost his crown
But Rabri reigned thereafter.
Laxman laxman
Yes pappa
Eating money
No pappa
Telling lies
No pappa
Open yr drawer
Ha ha ha
Samata party is falling down
Falling down
Falling down
Samata party is falling down
Falling down
Falling down
My fair jaitley (jaya)
Wha Wha Black Sheep
Have you pulled the wool?
Yes sir, Yes sir,
Three bags full.
One for my father,
One for my dame,
And one for the CBI
Crying in the lane.
Little Miss Bharti,
Did a Maha-arti,
So the BJP would always hold sway.
There came a big BSP With Mayavati its USP.
And frightened Miss Bharti away.
Little Lal Advani
Sat with his TV vahini
Taking his party's rai
He stuck out hist humb,
Hoping to pull out the plum,
And said, 'Can I have a slice of Vaj-pie?'
Batsman-bowler sat on the ball.
Batsman-bowler had a great fall,
All the bookies' cookies,
All the bribers' men,
Couldn't put Indian cricket together again.
Bankers and ministers
Sold for a penny
All the swindlers are so many
The envy's green
And the CBI red's
Nail them all, and get
Their head, head, head.