Lets make Friends through E.mail..

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Age: 124
Total Posts: 10
Points: 0

Pakistan, Pakistan
In this stiff kind of life lets make friends and have fun .Just post ur email address and make friends and find friend.
Posted 28 Apr 2003

Ajnabi says
Hey my id is [email protected]
Posted 28 Apr 2003

Mani says
Posted 28 Apr 2003

flawless says
yaar mani, wts with u n shut up, its shut up dis n shut up dat!
say sumthin else 4 1nce yaar!
Posted 28 Apr 2003

Mani says
And all shall be well
And all manner of things shall be well.
When the tongues of flame are in-folded
Into the crowned knot of fire,
And the fire and the rose are one.
blah blah blah
Posted 28 Apr 2003

flawless says
ooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkie, i think u hav a bit to much 2 say now mani, but oye, y u not checkin ur pm, arrrrgggggggghhhhhhhh,
Posted 28 Apr 2003

Mani says
dun see u making frnds wid da poor guy
Posted 28 Apr 2003

flawless says
well, i will if i want too n weneva i want too!
Posted 28 Apr 2003

Mani says
and ill be there to see that
oh yeah yeah
i will
maybe i mite ur emaill addy as well
Posted 28 Apr 2003

shut up mani :P now its my turn :p haha
Posted 28 Apr 2003

flawless says
Posted 28 Apr 2003

Mani says
be my friend flawless
Posted 28 Apr 2003

BoRnFl_iRt says
Yeah He Is Requesting Ya Flawless .. B His Best Mate .. [:)]
Posted 28 Apr 2003

flawless says
mani, u want me to b ur frnd, okie dokie, me ur frnd!
a friendly enemy!lolz!
ub khush bf?
Posted 28 Apr 2003

Mani says
offer expired bout twop seconds ago
tuff luck gurl
Posted 28 Apr 2003

BoRnFl_iRt says
Well If Its Tuff Luck Then She Mite Accept It ..
So Its Mean U 2 Not Frnds HAHAHAHAA .. Thts Much Much
Betta [;)]
Posted 28 Apr 2003

flawless says
okie, den go drown in a lake or sumfin!
Posted 28 Apr 2003

BoRnFl_iRt says
Yeah Mani Go Get Some Sleepin Pilss & Jump Into Dead Valley [:P]
Posted 28 Apr 2003

flawless says
oye noooooooooooooo mani, dun do it 4 real!
im only jokin!
n bf, yaar, atleast u shudnt agree wid me, u shud hav sed, no hina, dunt say dat!
Posted 28 Apr 2003

BoRnFl_iRt says
HAHAHAHHAHAA .. Well I M Wid All Of Ya ..
Not A Perticular Person... Well Wat I Sed Was Jus
For Fun Not For Real lol [:D]
Posted 28 Apr 2003

flawless says
oh okie okie good!, now mani, im waitin 4 ur reply so dt i know ur sahee n salaamat!lolz
Posted 28 Apr 2003

BoRnFl_iRt says
Yeh Well I Hope So .. HAHAHHAHAA
Mani U There .. I Cant Reach Ya .. In Hell
So Plzzz Dont Go There HAHAHAHAHAHA ..
Posted 28 Apr 2003

flawless says
hahahahahaha, bf!
i hope he aint goin to hell, he's too nice to be goin to hell!
Posted 28 Apr 2003

BoRnFl_iRt says
Oh Really .... Well If U Say So
I Beleive Ya ...
Posted 28 Apr 2003

flawless says
good, keep believin me!
its 4 ur own good!
Posted 28 Apr 2003

BoRnFl_iRt says
Well No I Beleive Ya For My Sake ... [:P]
Posted 28 Apr 2003

flawless says
acha acha, wteva, atleast ya believe me
dts enuf
Posted 28 Apr 2003

BoRnFl_iRt says
HAaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaa HINAY

Pullwaashaaaaaaaaaaaa [:D][:D][:D]
Posted 28 Apr 2003

flawless says
shur up bf, how many times do i hav to tell ya not to call me dat!
but noooooooooooooooo........he juss has to say it!
Posted 28 Apr 2003

Mani says
Posted 28 Apr 2003

flawless says
wt huh?
Posted 28 Apr 2003

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