1ST Ever Music Awards Take Place...

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Music awards extravaganza
on Thursday, July 29 @ 14:30:49 PKT

Pop music dominates in Pakistan. The first music awards of Pakistan were organised by the Indus Music channel. The Jazz IM Awards were held at Alhamra Hall in Lahore on Saturday. The event brought together most of the popular singers in the country. The grand awards ceremony held on the pattern of Grammy Awards was a treat to watch and may start new trends. The stars and celebrities of different fields of showbiz walked the red carpet in style to enter the hall premises. Celebrities at the height of fashion in clothes specially prepared by designers created that magical showbiz atmosphere not seen around much. The man who stood out was pop singer

Ali Zafar arriving in shining dhoti kurta. Najam Sheraz in tuxedo and then in reddish colour suit also stood out. Sajjad Ali, Ali Azmat and Sukhbir continued to wear sunglasses throughout the night. Tooba and Mani received the guests while recording their comments. Inside the hall the atmosphere was charming with striking display of lighting creating special effects. Faizan and Umber Dino and Anoushey enlivened the show with witty remarks in English and funny acts. Interestingly the whole show was conducted in English. The stars too talked in English and those finding it difficult chose to remain silent.

The celebrities who presented the awards included pop star Sukhbir, Nadia Afgan, Hassan Shehryar, ZQ, Asad Amanat, Shafqat Amanat, Sarmad Sultan, Amina Shafat, Humayun Saeed, Imaan Ali, Ali Azmat, Salman Ahmed, Marina Khan, Suneita Marshall, Resham, Iraj, Adnan Siddique, Tina Sani, Usman Peerzada, Musarrat Misbah, Rahat Fateh Ali, Sajjad Ali, Sania Saeed, Samina Peerzada, Deepak Perwani, Asim Raza, Tariq Amin, Nadia Hussain. Savera Nadeem, Shoaib Hashmi and Yousaf Salahuddin.
There was something nostalgic about the whole event as well. Video clippings of the songs of super stars like Alamgir, Nazia Hassan, Zohaib Hassan, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Sajjad Ali and Vital Signs were shown on the two screens. Rather the whole history of pop music in Pakistan was fondly traced with other popular stars' clippings featuring in too. Lifetime Achievement Award was given to legendary singer Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. Rahat Fateh Ali Khan collected this award. Special IM Awards for contribution to music was given to Nazia Hassan. Salman Ahmed of Junoon came to take this award. Others who were given special awards were Alamgir, Sajjad Ali, Najam Shiraz and Ali Haider, Sajjad receiving the award said that this was his first award and recognition of his talent. Tina Sani receiving Alamgir's award disclosed that Alamgir had introduced her as a singer. A special award was also given to lyricist Sabir Zafar who has written over 500 songs.

Medley performances continued throughout the show. The best was the Western one in which performing artistes played Beatles, Elvis Presley, George Michael and Michael Jackson with their popular songs playing in background. The moonwalk performance by a youngster was admiringly good.

Stars who presented their dance numbers included Ali Haider (presenting Purani Jeans), Humaira Arshad, Jawad Ahmed and Najam Shiraz. Band Overload of Papu Sain gave an electrifying performance on dhol, daphli and acoustic drum. The band received a standing ovation from the audience. There was also a dance performance on song 'Channo'. The show ended with the presentation of song 'Garaj Baras' by Junoon.

-- Courtesy The Nation Plus

Posted 30 Jul 2004

umair16 says
very truw and its also good to bring singers that sing in diffren ways like strings is a rock band and hamid ali khan is a classical singer etc . .

They should try and get investors from diffrent comapny and even the American music labels to sign them . that way their would get even more promotion internayonally.
Posted 02 Sep 2004

american labels already sign pakistani artists!

virgin, and sony are examples of american labels which have picked up pakistani talent!

and humaira arshad was signed last year by a british record company which will direct her music videos and release her upcoming album(s)!! so slowly our music is reaching a global audience!!
Posted 03 Sep 2004

umair16 says
really . . i haven really seen them mension anything thats why i was asking . .

Posted 03 Sep 2004

umair16 says
well E gde they showed the millan show thid week and this is what i though . . the show started with noor again i dont know why they showed her performance again .
then Ali haider came out who i must say was good but took too long.
then came out shazad roy who was also good . .
Saima then came and she was ok aswell . good to see her. and also Sahaan performed . hes was more waveig the pakistani flag than danceing . rehim shah sang a new slow sont and then went . . i dont have a clue what happened and then sajad ali finshed it off.

I also got a chance to watch the super music masti concert on prime becuase they showed it fore free . woooooooooooo and i must say this show kicked the millans how big time , ,and reema was awsome . i have seen many actresess perfome at wembly but no one can beat her .
Posted 05 Sep 2004

thanks 4 keeping me informed umair!
its good that shaan did more flag-carrying than dancing!!

how did the crowd respond to saima? cheers, jeers, or no response?!?!

super music masti was awsome. hadiqa sang completely 100% live the whole time. she's wicked.
Posted 05 Sep 2004

umair16 says
well when they called her oput it was a small cheer but after that no reponse . . not that i could hear .
her dance was not that energettic . she was good but the song was not all that . . should have choice that song in larki punjaban . the one with babar ali and the whole family . that humera arshad sings .
the reason reema gets such a good response and ppl like her on stage it because her song's and dance are sooooo entertaining asnd ennergetic that it makes u wana dance . . she moves fast and well and thats what people want when they go to a show . Do u agree.

Did u see the fisrt dance that reema did cos i missed that one . . what song did she dance too . . do u know the sinder and the name of the song.

Their was some diffrence in the Millan show and the super music masti show . .the one on prime sounded more live and they didnt have much editing unlike the millan show . .the millan show looked asif they recorded the sound into the show . but the super musc masti looked live and happening with out any sound recording. . if u know what i mean. in the millan show they cut out rehim shah perfromance . .i know that in the show he didnt just sing one song . and they didnt show raghav eather . and i dont know what the meaning was of showing Norr performance again .
Posted 05 Sep 2004

no doubt yaar. reema's a better performer in front of a live audience. even tho i have not seen saima live yet, i would still have 2 side with reema. she is very charizmatic.

the first song reema danced to @ the super music masti was 'tak sajna' by some local punjabi artists i think? it was a remix of an old pakistani song. i think the singer who remixed it was sikh??

super music masti definately looked more entertaining. more organized. i can't wait till they show the next one!! when is it again?
Posted 06 Sep 2004

umair16 says
the next one is on the 25 september but i dont think they are gonna show this one live . . cos it starts at 7 and not 6 like before . . the reason it started at 6 last time was becuase they was showing it live but not this time . .
they might show the Millan show for u guys soon as they have showed it to us . . I think i might have to get PTV cos they have some goos shows . .they showed this show called rythem of indus or something like that . .itmwas in london and it looked so amzing . . i didnt get to see it i saw the adveritsement when they showed the super music masti show for free.

If u want more info go to www.supermusicmasti.com
Posted 06 Sep 2004

2 bad man. i hope they show it. even if its not live.

u should definately get PTV prime tho. its at its peak during eid. the coverage they have is unbeatable. i have had the channel for 2 years now and its outstanding. each year the eid shows have gotten better. this past year some guy named yusaf sallaudin invited almost every singer and model to his HUGE house and they had a eid bash with singing and jokes. it was such a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere!! cant wait till this years eid!!
Posted 07 Sep 2004

umair16 says
i saw that on Eid . . ptv was on free . . yeh i liked that that was kindda good . all the stars together enjoying them self . .ARY also show some very good programmes . . i bough Ary for the shows they show . .they showed all the concerts that used to happen in the UK so thats mostly why i bough it but now PTV is also starting to show some shows in the UK . .

Super music masti used to alwayz come on Ary . . they showed the 2001,20002,2003 shows but not this year they went with Millan which i though was not so entertaining . . lol . . (rubbish)

Am looking forward to seeing resham this year cos its my fist time i have ever wseen her in concert which should be god .

the Millan shows brings too mnay ppl to the shows . it might attract a lot more ppl when they see the big line up and at the show all the gig stars only get a few min cos the local and not so big stars from pakistan take up a lot of time in the start of the show . . but the super jusic masti show bring a few big name stars and then we get to see a lot more of them and enjoy a lot more of their musc . Do u get what am trying to say . .what do u think about that.
Posted 07 Sep 2004

i agree 100%

3-4 big names should come, thats all. for example, the musical masti concert which came to toronto recently only had abrar, fakhir, and reema. rabi pirzada and tariq tafu only took 10-15 minutes each, and the rest of the time went to the big 3.

more stars should come when there is an awards show, or something like that. then the mor names, the better!!
Posted 08 Sep 2004

umair16 says
yeh thats true . . more names should come at awards shows and special evens . . no neee to bring so many at a 4 hour concert which everyone has 2 be sqased in .

Its too bad that the Lollywood awards have been called off and instead theirs a concert . . which is not too bad.
Posted 08 Sep 2004

maybe its better 2 have the awards overseas a little later, when all the big movies have released. that way more people might be interested.

if they have the awards this month as planned, then movies like salaakhain, and phela phela pyar and so on would not be nominated. so lets wait and see!!
Posted 09 Sep 2004

umair16 says
Thats true . . the awardsa re not happening this year . . they have replaced them with the suiper music masti concert .

next year theirs gonna be great films coming out and i hope their would be more internationa level award shows . i also want the Nigar awards to go international next year that would be great.
Posted 09 Sep 2004

whats the next big awards show? i know the concert might be aired, but what other event/awards show will be shown on ptv, ary or geo? any idea??
Posted 11 Sep 2004

umair16 says
Well i dont think theirs any awards shows coming up beside the Bollywood awards that Ary digital has not shown for the UK viwers besides that theirs notting that i can think off . .

Ary is showing this small show that abida parveen did in the UK and PTV is showing the super music masti concert . . besides that i dont think theirs anything new . .

We never know they might be some good shows coming up on Eid and after.
U know how Zee tv and star plus and set asia have their own awards show that they sponsor and that . . PTV AND ARY and geo should do the same . .they should sponsor and arrange a internatoional award show every year . what u think.
Posted 11 Sep 2004

bollywood awards were already shown in the us/cannada, and i only watched one little part of it: reema. thats it.

ary is showing an abida pareen concert?! i think i'll watch if they show it here!

i agree. ARY especially, should sponsor its own award shows from now on. they can do it the best i think. and ptv should stick with concerts!
Posted 12 Sep 2004

umair16 says
True . Ary do have the money . .
You know how we see the Zee cine awards . now they was arranged by zee tv the television channel like the stardust award whcih are arranged by star plus . . ARY need to do the same.

They also need to now extend their art more forwords tomplacesess like america . they should have award shows and invite American (hollywood) artist like directors actors etc . . India do that thats why their artist's get noticed by Hollywood . Cos i know when Hollywood artist's see hows in action they would love them and they will also see that Pakistan has talent.

My mates brother was one of the dancers which danced with reema at the super music masti show that u saw in may and he said to me when i saw him and asked him how was it and it said that he didnt know pakistani ladys had so much energy on stage . he said she was danceing non stop and was going crazy . .which i think is a good thing . .
Posted 16 Sep 2004


reema does have a lot of energy which is good. u need it, cause the crowd likes it when the performer is energized. i would not want to see them come and be out of it u know what i mean?

was saima energetic?! lol
Posted 17 Sep 2004

umair16 says
I get what u mena . .

Siama ammmmm to tell u the trueth i wont call her performance energetic . . she did dance all the way throw but wasent really that fast . . i think its mostly on the song and the song was good but not really a daceing one . . i think it counts on the backup dancers aswell . . and at the super music masti show they had the Bhangra dancers with her who was jumping around asell but guess who threy had at the millan show . . . they had some gori who was doing their own gora dance . . lol

UK has a ver large asian aommunitie and i think their was some asian dancers here.

Am looking forword to seeing how Resham and Meera compare up to Reema at the super music masti comcert which is happening in 1 weeks time . .
I wounder if they watch the old concerts that has happened like the 2002,2002,2003,2004 . . just to get some information on how it is. Meera would want to performae better than reema cos she dose think shes the queen.
Posted 17 Sep 2004

i hate meera and her attitude with a passion. i hope when she's dancing she falls. lol. if she thinks for one second that can compete with reema as far as dancing goes...she's dumber than she looks.
Posted 17 Sep 2004

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Posted 26 May 2018

valandrian says
Posted 31 May 2018

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Posted 04 Jul 2018

Posted 20 Aug 2018

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