the way keeping the right mind

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Your lifestyle, what to eat and drink as well as how we maintain body fitness will affect your memory and physical health. Of course we do not want to live long but sick and senile.

The team of experts from Harvard Medical School provides five tips to keep your memory sharp and the body is always in good shape.

1. Manage stress levels

Daily pressures and "small" stresses such as arguments with colleagues or congestion can affect the focus and memory ability. Even if the problem is left enlarged then what happens is the sense of continuous scent and can cause memory disturbance.

 by managing your stress. Being accepting of things we can not change is one of them. Doing yoga, meditation and relaxation is helpful.

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2. Sleep quality

When compared, people who sleep less quality at night tend to be more forgetful than people who sleep soundly. Quality sleep at night is great for strengthening memory.

Most people rely on drugs to overcome insomnia, whereas in the long run this drug can also interfere with memory and brain function in general.

That's why we should try to improve sleeping habits first before switching to treatment. Also, use medicines in your doctor's supervision and use the lowest dose for the shortest possible time to get your sleep back to normal.

3. Stop smoking

Quitting smoking is easier said than done, but if you need additional motivation, be aware that smokers tend to have age-related memory and other memory problems.

People who smoke more than two packs of cigarettes a day in middle age are at twice the risk of dementia in the elderly compared with nonsmokers. However, those who quit smoking in middle age and those who smoke less than half a pack a day have the same dementia risk as people who never smoked.

4. Limit alcohol

People who are addicted to alcohol have difficulty in short-term memory, such as memorizing the list. Another type of memory loss associated with alcohol use is called Korsakoff syndrome. Under these conditions, long-term vitamin B1 deficiency combined with the toxic effects of alcohol in the brain can trigger sudden and dramatic amnesia.

In some cases, this memory loss is permanent, but if detected earlier, it can be corrected to some degree.

5. Keep your brain from injury

Head trauma is a major cause of memory loss and increases the risk of dementia. Always use appropriate equipment during high-speed activities and physical contact sports, including cycling or boxing exercises.

Wear seat belts while driving a motor vehicle. Car accidents are by far the most common cause of brain injury, and wearing a seat belt greatly reduces the likelihood of severe head injury.

Posted 02 Feb 2018

valandrian says
Posted 11 Apr 2018

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