Bazigaar said:
boogie man
Asian said:the prosecutions evidance was circumstans. the main witness was not consistant.
they used a Jury trial as "to show that the common lay man has the Law as his own".
Ask your self one Question. as Females if your child (Allah forbid) was assualted in such a way? then would you press for liabel and slander? e.g. Money as Gavin's mother was after
or for a Criminal conviction?
in this respect i would say that the MJ trial is exceptable and perfectly good Law. snedons defece was Puthetic even for a civil advocate (got to be said)
but i agree with the verdict because reguadless of how strange he is, he is NOT a child molesterer. i think it was people using him for money pure and simple![]()
kash_beauty said:yes!!its true
he got away wid it![]()
bt mayb..he wasnt guilty![]()
Bazigaar said:k guys no bs this time..lemme tell u honestly which one was me..cuz then i have to go too k
Bazigaar said:
HrithikZgirl said:
Bazigaar said:oye jia ruk na
i was da one with mustache![]()
liar liar pants on fire!![]()
lol...meri teacher bari challak hae
Bazigaar said:oye jia ruk na
i was da one with mustache![]()
Bazigaar said:jia..u still here?
Bazigaar said:now i won;t post the pics again...but i can definatly tell u what number was me...
unless u wanna take another shot on guessing?
HrithikZgirl said:
Bazigaar said:so jia and manali...after u;r huggs...wanna add one more thing...
oh i knew this was coming
HrithikZgirl said:Good guess Jia!
Bazigaar said:
Jia_ka_chand said:he's too much
esa he hoon mae..
atleast i provide u with entertainment..hey my wife would be very happy haan...i'm home entertainment system![]()
HrithikZgirl said:um kinda
Bazigaar said:
Jia_ka_chand said:couldn't u have spared us from seeing that?
well, u said 7 was chochan so i was clearifying that i got all pics from net and none is chochan
Bazigaar said:
HrithikZgirl said:i don't know i said, am not good at guessing this kind of stuff!
c'mon be a sport na...