
Age: 125
5798 days old here
Total Posts: 4
Points: 0


what are the reasons u don't want to marry.
is it him u don't want to marry or u feel u are too young now?

Both, kind of.
Posted 27 Apr 2009


Age: 125
5798 days old here
Total Posts: 4
Points: 0

I'm not sure they will agree to delay, but I know their minds are set on me marrying my cousin. My cousin is 25.

Posted 26 Apr 2009


Age: 125
5798 days old here
Total Posts: 4
Points: 0

Well, I have tried to discuss it before, and they have said their decision is final. They say Im at the marriagable age, and my cousin is too, so we must get married.
Posted 25 Apr 2009