
Age: 42
4640 days old here
Total Posts: 1
Points: 0

Preston, United Kingdom

Cynthia my wife said, "What did I tell you, get your head down and keep it there", where upon she moved forward standing directly above me with one foot either side of the bowl, she then lifted her right foot, and placed it on top of my head, and said now get on with it.

In due course I managed to finish my meal, and Cynthia removed her foot from on top of my head, and moved away from me,

I was still on all fours, and on an impulse, and by way of saying thank you I took the liberty of moving to her feet, and kissed both of them many times..I thought she would be pleased, but just the opposite, she was very angry saying,

"How dare you do anything without my permission, now Neal down in front of me, and look at me", she then slapped my face several times on both cheeks, and said you will indeed kiss my feet, but only when I want you to, now come with me.

Later on that day, Cynthia who I worship was sitting in a comfortable arm chair, said, "So, you like to kiss me feet do you, well sit down here in front of me, take each of my by now very smelly feet into your mouth, lick, suck, and wash every toe until it is spotlessly clean, then lie down on your back with your head where you can lick clean the underside of each foot in turn, you are of course to swallow any of the dirt I have walked in during the day, then the heels, the ankles, and the rest of the surface until each one is once more lovely and soft and supple again, you are not to stop until I tell you to, and then if I am satisfied, I will reward you by walking all over you, and at the end stand on your face for as long as I can.

Posted 22 Jun 2012