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sorry if anyone gets offended or disagrees, but for me religion, our Islam included is against having fun! therefore making movies under the lollywood unbrella is just fine for pakistan, and muslims alike, in my humble opinion!
that being said however, the level of "fun" or "entertainment" provided by lollywood, should be "policed" so that they don't cross certain lines. having some women shake rattle and roll their "assets" similar to the way other industries do so, is NOT right. there is a limit to the entertainment that muslim actresses and actors should provide. so while making movies is okay (there's nothing wrong with making people happy through entertaining them with movies), the content should be more conservative to suit Islam and its followers!just my opinion....
Age: 125
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MYPAK jinaab, i have no idea if reema still acts. everywhere i read it says that she is directing, and is currently absent from the acting scene. who knows?! i'll ask her when she comes to Toronto on aug. 3rd, if she still acts. LOL.
i agree totally that Larki Punjaban will be GREAT. afterall, saima is in it!
as for saima crossing over and comment. lol. i would rather see her stick to acting, where she is the best. let humaira arshad sing, she's the best at THAT! just my opinion!
mypak, they show concerts on tv in the uk?! man...i should move there. lol. u guys get everything.
Age: 125
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tracker sahib...any suggestions who will be the heiress to the thrown after saima?!?!!! 10 lack-girl-zara?! LOL. she's not ready. her head is 2 big. who else can possibly replace her(saima) today?! she still has time before she passes the torch! lol.
Age: 125
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i live in toronto, canada, reema!
u guys are lucky in the UK. you get YDAKH in theatres first, and you get Larki Punjaban (which is coming out on Aug. 14th) in theatres too! all we got was chooriyan, and even that was only because of how big it was, world-wide. lol. i have to wait so long before i can see larki punjaban. [:(!] you were talking about films regarding india/pakistan....well this touches on this topic, and it stars saima!! i hope you go and see it and fill me in afterwards?!!!
as 4 my DVD/VCD's, i would share every last one with you, but we're on totally different continents. lol. sorry!
and i'm loving your train of thought...making an exlusive lollywood movie channel if you were a millionaire!! i would watch it 24/7!
which city are you from reema?! in pakistan i mean...?!
Age: 125
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i agree MYPAK, that singers should stick to singing. but the trend (crossing over to acting) is very popular in hollywood and even bollywod i think. the thing is...some singers have a face that they can market. just because they look good, producers/directors go after them, to make a quick movie, one that attracts the audience of that particular singer as well!
but u r right. singers should stick to singing. u know they have begged humaira arshad to act in movies, and she has refused! good for her! bollywood asked her to cross over to sing in their movie, and she said no to them as well! she's the best! she knows whats right and wrong!! way 2 go humaira! u agree MYPAK?! she's a smart singer, who knows where 2 draw the line!
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i agree with you and the article. i especially agree that they can turn to the queen (saima) and sana so many times before a change is needed. and shaan and moammar need a break as well.
slowly but surely we are getting new pepole. i also heard that fakhir and naseebo lal have been offered to star in their own movies! LOL. naseebo lal in a lollywood movie as HEROINE! LOL. that would be priceless. at the same time, it shows how desperate we are for new faces! but again, slowly we're getting there. don't u agree?!
Age: 125
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MYPAK...have you read this article yet?! its new, and it makes some very good points. i agree with this article 100%. what do u think?!
teentracker jinaab (wherever u r...i have not heard from you in a while, lol) u might find this article interesting as well. it talks about the problem facing lollywood today: lack of artistes!
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LOL. tusee saee kaya-ae...!! i would indeed be the VERY FIRST one in the show, and the last one to leave. lol.
so reema dances eh?! cool...whatever she does though, this will be my very first time seeing a lollywood star live! so i'm looking very much forward to it! if saima can't come, then reema is the next best thing to see live for the first time, right?!
nirma made a mess......LOL. no surprise there. lol. thankfully she's staying home for this show..!
as for anjuman/sultan're right...they're a good dynamic duo as well! they owned lollywood back in the day!
Age: 125
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mypak, i just thought i'd share this with you...
on aug. 3rd, abrar is coming to toronto, along with naghmana jaffry, haroon, actress roop, and a special appearence (in toronto only) by REEMA!! rest assure, i'll be there front row center!! lol.
Age: 125
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EXACTLY! the lead song is a rip off of a pakistani song, and another song in the same movie is a nusrat fateh ali khan semi-copy...surprise, surprise, they've copied nusrat FOR THE TRILLIONTH time!! lol.
Age: 125
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untouchable...sorry to have scared you. lol.
you're right ki pakistani film kee colours ko aur acha hona chaiya. is baray mein aap ki bath 100% sahee hai. lekin music yaar....aap teek to hain?!?!
out of curiosity, have you heard the music for mendhi wale hath, chooriyan, pal do pal, yeh dil aap ka hua, and many more?!?! we make EXCELLENT music. our music directors work hard to make hits. sure they make one or two bad songs, but thats just part of the game! meanwhile indian music directors cannot MAKE music..only copy!
the LATEST example...this so-called "hit" movie with shahrukh and that stupid lady...i 4get her name....did u know the lead song is a PAKISTANI COPY and same with another one! they can't stop copying!!! u're right about the stories and the colours, but 110% wrong about the music. we're the best at it, HANDS DOWN!
Age: 125
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untouchable, we HAVE GOOD ACOTRS/ACTRESSES TOO damnit!!!!! that could be argued i guess..
BUT....MUSICALLY.......r u okay?!?!?!!! we OWN INDIA when it comes to music!!! do i need to whip out my list of nusrat fateh ali khan songs alone that india has copied?!?!?!! they don't know how to MAKE music...only COPY it!! sad but tru.
Age: 125
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it would cost a boatload, right. some pakistani businessman from north america or europe should give sayed noor or javaied sheikh teh financial backing they need, and then release the movie worldwide so they make more $$$! sounds easy enough, but i'm sure its a lot of hard work. easier said than done.
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lol. 1962 eh, tracker sahib???!! i'll ignore that. lol. and nasreen...dum dum no comment. u obviously don't appreciate lady saima!
MYPAK, in my opinion on an international level, lollywood is slowly gaining more exposure. new movies like salakhein is being edited by the same people who edited spiderman and some other movie! plus we're getting good-looking new stars so eventually we'll do good!
in my opinion, lollywood movies should have 2 young stars and 2 older ones. then the older ones can "pass the torch" to the younger ones in such a movie! it makes it more official that way. sultan rahi passed the torch to shaan, and anjuman to saima. but if they could have done it officially in one big movie, it would have been that much better. these days i think lollywood should make a HUGE movie with the biggest possible budget and cast shaan/saima/ali tabbish/zara! i would pay good money to see such a movie. lol. altho i don't think zara is ready to be given the torch from saima yet. she's made one movie and she thinks she owns lollywood now. lol. what a retard! lol. sorry 2 zara fans, but its tru. she has a BIG head now-a-days. asking for 10 lacks per movie?!?!?!!!! LOL. OKAY zara...whatever u say. lol. meanwhile saima who has busted her ass for 15 years with countless hits AND flops, makes only 6 lacks! and she made CHOORIYAN...TH BIGGEST MOVIE IN PAKISTANI CINEMA HISTORY! and zara thinks she should get 10 lacks after an average movie?!?!!! LOL.
Age: 125
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hey reema gee!
aside from your recommendation...i've read about uff yeh beewiyan...the name alone sounds funny! i have asked my mom to bring me 40+ VCD/DVD's of lollywood movies (mostly starring one or two of shaan/moammar/saima/reema)from pakistan, and i've made sure to include uff yeh beewiyan!
i'm sure u know by now that saima is my favorite! i'm glad you like reema tho, cause for me, shes a close second after saima! these two represent lollywood the best! you're right...reema is a kick-ass dancer/actress! but again...for me shes a close SECOND to saima overall! [;)] [:P]
as 4 yeh dil aap ka huwa....i have heard SO MANY good things about it! i have not seen it, but i hear its in the process of being released world-wide very soon. i can't wait!
so reema (i'll refer to you by your username!) what other lollywood movies have u seen?!!?
Age: 125
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yeah sana is alright. my favorite movie with her was RESHMA. the story was stupid but the music was EXCELLENT! the movie had sana, moamar, and resham.
if i had to rank my favorites it would be as follows: ACTORS: 1 - Shaan 2 - Shafqat Cheema 3 - Moamar Rana ACTRESSES: 1 - Saima 2 - Reema 3 - Resham 4 - Sana
how about your list?!
as for which movies i have seen recently...i JUST finished watching KILONA which is old. it has shaan, saima, meera and saud. i think this was meera's first movie. belive it or not...she actually does a good job! she plays a pshyco lady who is abused by her husband, shaan! saima is her usual great self, but i think she should keep making punjabi movies. the clothes she wears in punjabi movies suit her more. in urdu movies she wears sari's and indian clothes which make her look wierd! and i think her punjabi acting is better too. lol.
anyhow, how about you? which movie have you seen recently?!
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saima is 41 years old, according to rumours! she doesn't look a day over 29 tho, in my opinion. lol (j/k).
i have not seen the movies i mentioned, but i read that all of them were very popular in pakistan. and they all had the dynamic duo in the lead! they have more flops than hits, but again they make a good looking couple.
in my opinion, shafqat cheema is the best villain in lollywood! what do you think?!
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i'am serious! saima earns 6 lacks per movie!
shaan was beaten up because he signed on for too many movies, and was unable to fulfill his shooting dates given to directors/producers. so a "gang" beat him up, which lead to the entire industry, namely moamar rana, saima, shafqat cheema and many more big names to strike! this happened 4-5 months ago! everything is somewhat okay now though.
as for the dynamic duo making more flops than hits...what can i say?! it is true, but still...unkee jori achee hai!! they LOOK good together. as we know saima is a little old, and no hero looks good next to her, except shaan! just my as long as they look compatible...people will continue to see their movies such as humayon gujjar, buddah gujjar, dada badmash etc!! am i wrong?!!
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what a coincidence?!?!?!!!!!!! humaira arshad is MY favorite singer too!!!
i read that she has signed with a UK production company which will now make her music video's. her newest video which debuted this past week for her song "mai nai boldi" was probably made by these people in the UK! good video!
i also read that india wants her to do playback singing, but thankfully she has turned them down. i don't think she'll go there. she's pakistani through and through!! she has unfinished business at home before she ventures out!