Age: 125
7990 days old here
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Canada, Canada
paki lion my friend.....if u read this...i want to say congrats 2 u as well! u have won....i have lost. u were right.....there are MANY more actresses in pakistan who are far more better than saima in looks AND acting! happy?!
Age: 125
7990 days old here
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Canada, Canada
'mukaam' is definately out on video. its 2-3 years old. i think shamyl khan's in it as well. he talks with a small accent but not ayesha khan. she has NO accent.
Age: 125
7990 days old here
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Canada, Canada
'Strings won the Best Band Award at the Sahara Indian Music Awards! The awards were held on 1st October at the Royal Albert Hall. Kudos to the most happening band in Pakistani music today :) '
Age: 125
7990 days old here
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Canada, Canada
and bro......u seen the drama 'MUKAAM'? ayesha khan's in it, and she speaks english as if she's from north america or europe (which i think she is). did u know that?!
Age: 125
7990 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
yeah.....kazaa sucks 4 pakistani music. lol. normally u should go 2 they have EVERY new pakistani song. but that site is down right now.
u could go here, 4 mekaal hasan's songs in the meantime:
remember....listen 2 'rabba', 'sajan' and even 'sampooran' which is mostly instrumental, but in the middle there is a real catchy raag!! lol. enjoy and make sure u lemme know what u thought!
Age: 125
7990 days old here
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Canada, Canada
nope. havent seen 'chandni raatein'.....i'll watch BOTH this one and 'phela phela pyar' soon! i'll watch the one with sadia first tho, cause she's my favorite!
how old's 'chandni raatein'?
and u have any idea what the latest sadia imam drama is? i think its lab-e-darya...u seen it? i heard abt the story and it seems interesting...a young lady gets married 2 a MUCH older guy.
Age: 125
7990 days old here
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Canada, Canada
lol. i think thats the first time i've read a swear word from sanam jee.
yeah man....nash is still around. he's got bleeched blond hair now - very short. he's not in the wwf but he's in and out of the business. ur right...he was with hogan and scott hall (razor ramon), and they were the nWo!
speakin' of bleeched blond hair.....i wanna dye the middle of my gotee either brown or blonde. only the middle part. kinda like scott stiener. u think i should do it?! i know u havent seen me, but in ur opinion would u dye half ur gotee (if u have one)?! just curious....
Age: 125
7990 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
china will be the world's superpower (insha'allah) and the entire world will be connected like never b4, thru new technological advances!
i heard they are working on a new satellite which will be launched into space soon. they will send signals from earth to this satellite, and it will create adds in the sky! kind of like a billboard in the open sky. its tru.....its tru.
Age: 125
7990 days old here
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Canada, Canada
definately yaar. u should listen 2 the mekaal hasan band. they're just like fuzon, only a little more sophisticated. their music is the same tho: eastern classical with western jazz, rock and pop!!
their best songs r 'rabba' and 'sajan'....if u decide 2 listen, holla' back and lemme know what u think!
Age: 125
7990 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
i heard a new mall being built in lahore will have pakistan's FIRST EVER ice skating rink. its scheduled for completion in 2005. thats wicked news 4 me. being a canadian and a hockey lover.....i'm going 2 take my skates an my equipment and play some good ol' ice HOCKEY in pakistan!!!!!
Age: 125
7990 days old here
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Canada, Canada
¥Á§-D said:
Edge i'm glad u liked far as the ending goes, man i would've done the samething...(just cuz i like Amna Haq over Saida ) i guess Sadia goes to that doctor who saved her life...
n now u should Pehla Pehla Pyar, it has sadia imam n humayoun saeed...n they made the whole dramain USA
so have fun with that, if u get it...
when u look @ it...nobody got what they wanted: humayon lost sadia sadia lost humayon and her kid anma haq lost ahsan khan the phupo lost her daughter the phupo's assistant lost mimi mimi lost humayon
.....and i lost out, cause sadia lost. lol. ur probably right tho...the doctor most likely hooked up with jo-jo!
phela phela pyar...sounds good. who else is in it?! i'm kinda used 2 amna haq and humayon now. lol. and is it fairly new?
Age: 125
7990 days old here
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Canada, Canada
sanam411 said:
heheh!....edge.....oh actually he dies in that MEHNDI drama.....i think!.....and ummm u really thought that he was goonna die...i dont even watch these dramas....hehe!
u don't?! sanam jee.....u don't know what ur missin' yaar! i didn't watch either, until yas and srk showed me the light. lol
so what yas says is tru then?! u watch indian dramas like khusum instead?! lol