
Age: 2024
2096 days old here
Total Posts: 12
Points: 10

Yes, it's one of my hobbies. I like sport from my childhood years because it brings me much fun and is always good for my health. I like to make physical exercises everyday for keeping myself fit, also it's a perfect way for me to reduce my general level of stress from work and other things :)
I adore some sport games too, especially tennis and football, I often play them together with my friends. We like
to watch professional matches sometimes and make bets on our favourite teams too, for example I am a fan of Chelsea (England) and Asante Kotoko (Ghana).
Posted 28 Feb 2020


Age: 2024
2096 days old here
Total Posts: 12
Points: 10

Yes, it's one of my favourite sport games together with volleyball and tennis :)
My interest for it appeared during my school years, it was the same with other sport games. I played it often with my friends and classmates, and we even won some school matches.
I didn't want to become a professional sportsman so my career isn't connected with it. But I am still a good amateur player and I have my own matches with my friends sometimes.
I like the professional football too, my favourite clubs are Juventus (Italy) and Asante Kotoko (Ghana). I often watch matches with them and sometimes participate in sport betting too.
Posted 25 Feb 2020


Age: 2024
2096 days old here
Total Posts: 12
Points: 10

I didn't understand your second question, what's the problem with living alone?
Speaking about job, of course it's possible to live without it during some time, especially if you have your own money savings or people who can help you during this time :) Besides it's not so hard to find a new job, of course in some professional spheres it can be difficult but you can work as a courier for example for some time if there's such a critical need for having any money.
You can try making money online, at least for making any additional income. The best methods for this include Forex, freelance, cryptocurrencies, index funds and affiliate marketing .
Posted 03 Jan 2020


Age: 2024
2096 days old here
Total Posts: 12
Points: 10

Trash compactors can be used successfully instead of classic trash cans because they have many pros.
The main ones among them include:
- you don't need to take out the trash often because such compactors can shrink up to six bags of garbage into one
- they're helpful for reducing your landfill contributions

But comparing with the trash cans they have such disadvantages as possible unpleasant smell because the garbage is kept in them much longer and general cost of course, these things are rather expensive.

Posted 10 Nov 2019


Age: 2024
2096 days old here
Total Posts: 12
Points: 10

I have a dog and a cat, and from my own experience I can say that having any pets demands a high responsibility for them. You need to understand that they're not toys for you and you'll need to care about them all time you'll be together. Also, think about your budget because for example safe and high-quality dog food isn't a cheap thing and keep in mind that you'll need to visit a vet rather often too, especially during your dog's puppy period.
Dogs aren't the most difficult pets to care, but they demand much time in the beginning, for example puppies often can become ill because of many reasons. Also, with the dog you'll need to have walks with it every day despite your mood, state, weather etc., are you ready for this?
Vets recommend in this case to read about pros and cons of various pets firstly, and analyze how you'll need to take care about them, there are many useful resources for the current and future dog owners now.
Posted 19 Sep 2019


Age: 2024
2096 days old here
Total Posts: 12
Points: 10

For monitoring your child's activity you don't need anything complicated, just choose a simple keylogger. But of course it's a good solution only if your child is small, for teens you'll need to find the more technically advanced software.You can make a choice between hardware and software ones, they are the main types in this case. Your choice will depend on your certain needs, for example the hardware ones are very simple in using and a perfect choice for the small children, and the software ones are more technically advanced , provide a remote access and work effectively hidden.
Posted 17 Sep 2019


Age: 2024
2096 days old here
Total Posts: 12
Points: 10

You can just use one of the online ones, there's a plenty of them now. For example, Email Migration Service is one of the most convinient in order to convert emails online, it's very easy in using and very safe in case of your data security because it doesn't belong to a third party software. It can be used for free too.There are many other online converters too and of course you can install some special programs on
your device too. But many of them are expensive and have high license fees.
Posted 31 Jul 2019


Age: 2024
2096 days old here
Total Posts: 12
Points: 10

Yes, it's one of my favourite sport games together with tennis and volleyball. I got much interest in during my school years when one of my friends decided to join our school football team and I made a decision to join it with him too :)
From that time I really became a fan of this game, a good player and I wish I could play it more often in my adult years too. I like professional matches too, they're very interesting and inspiring in case of professional players' skills. And I adore to cheer for my fav teams from England and Kenya during them, and participate in sport bets too.
Posted 26 Jul 2019


Age: 2024
2096 days old here
Total Posts: 12
Points: 10

It's a good idea for travelling in case of sightseeing and balance between your budget and entertainment, it's known that now because of that it's a nice place for foreigners vacation. And travelling to Ukraine is totally safe, except the Eastern regions.
There are many cities which are worth visiting, depends on what type of vacation you prefer. For example, if you're interested in mix of sightseeing and modern entertainment, Kyiv will be your best choice. It's truth for Lviv and Kharkiv .
Posted 19 Jul 2019


Age: 2024
2096 days old here
Total Posts: 12
Points: 10

Yeah, I like sport bets because I'm a great fan of sport and gambling is one of my hobbies too :) Among competitive sport games I like the most of all tennis and football, and I often watch such professional matches alone or with my friends. And during them I like to make bets sometimes on my favourite teams from Kenya, USA and Spain.
I won rather good money in them several times too.
Posted 27 Jun 2019


Age: 2024
2096 days old here
Total Posts: 12
Points: 10

Of course yes! Affiliate marketing is a very popular thing among many Forex brokers and it has many pros. Main ones among them are ability to create your own work schedule (and deciding how many hours to work with this every day), really high profit (and it can be endless, especially if you market lucrative FX brokers) and no need to deal constantly with your boss. For example, AvaTrade partnership programs provide all there things, also their affiliate program include providing different comission plans and all necessary marketing tools for your work.
Posted 26 Jun 2019


Age: 2024
2096 days old here
Total Posts: 12
Points: 10

Your first main cryteria will be certain type of material for the clubs, according to it there are such types as irons, woods, hybrids and wedges. The cryteria of functionality is strongly connected with it too, according to it there are also many subcategories like drivers and putters.
Experienced players recommend to build the beginner's set from irons, woods, a driver and a putter, and while choosing all these clubs pay attention on such their characteristics as loft, shaft, sizes fo clubs and their shapes. Make a test drive for every club before making the final choice too.
You can also get not only cheap new golf clubs but also the used ones , it's a popular practice among many golf players.
Posted 14 Jun 2019