
Age: 125
8085 days old here
Total Posts: 1
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
well do u knw wht i dnt mind gettin married but on da other hand i dnt wanna leave my parents.. it is so sad dat u leave da one who gav u birth n who bought u up n u go to sum totally stranger...well its in islam to get married so u knw u shuldnt say no if ur muslim...but wht makes me scared is da fact tht will my mother in law treat me da way my mum does.. i guess if i see her as my mum den i shuldnt hav ne problems... one advice to gals is dat wen u get married... C UR MOTHER IN LAW AS UR OWN MUM N UR FATHER IN LAW AS UR OWN DAD N DA REST OF DA FAMILY AS U C SEE UR REAL FAMILY... never think tht dats ur Susral otherwise u will hav problems trust me..n if ur sass say sumfin den think like ur mum is sayin it...y is it dat wen ur own mother says sumfin to u .. u dnt feel bad but wen ur sass says sumfin u h8 her so much... dis is completely wrong!! neways my msg to gals is tht try to be a gud daughter in law n treat everyone wid kindness.. let them say wateva they want to n jus think dat allah is lookin n he knws whos doin wht wid who!!