
Age: 47
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Rotterdam, Netherlands
saif_ali_khan said:

Straight said:

lolzz.... .she called her SON OF A BITCH.....lolzz...poor Meera

She doesn't even know Son Ladkay ko boltay hai aur daughter ladki ko..

so sad abt english in lollywood...they need to go back to school...

Hahaha come on people, they are actresses not Harvard graduates. Why should we aspect that they should be smart people?
Posted 09 Jun 2004


Age: 47
7575 days old here
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Rotterdam, Netherlands
Edge said:

Prakash said:

Haha it may be the artists who makes the movies but it is the moviefan who decides which film he will watch. If producers notice that vulgar movies are well visited while familymovies have less fans,they will take countermeasures by producing more sleezy movies.Actresses like Nirma just go with the flow.

u have a point yaar, but in general, there are more familes than individual movie-goers! a movie targeting an entire family attracts abt 3-5 people per home (kids included), as opposed to a vulger movie which would only attract adults from each home!

and the very same interview, nirma says she gets the bulk of her income from concerts/shows outside of pakistan. so why continue to make movies with borderline roles?? so what if some other actress takes the part? surely she won't starve! using the directors/public as an exuse to degrate herself is very lame. shame on nirma!

having said that, i still think meera's the dumber of the two!

You are right.
Posted 07 Jun 2004


Age: 47
7575 days old here
Total Posts: 5
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Rotterdam, Netherlands
Edge said:

Nirma: I think it's everybody including the public. If it encourages substandard and vulgar films and songs then naturally such characters will be in demand.

Instep: But how can you hold the public responsible. They will see what you do. It is the artist's responsibility not to work in such films?

Nirma: Bhai why blame artists. He/she has to act according to the producer and director's demand and we need money too. If we refuse to accept the role some other artist would do it and we will starve. (*DUMBEST EXUSE EVER MADE*)

Haha it may be the artists who makes the movies but it is the moviefan who decides which film he will watch. If producers notice that vulgar movies are well visited while familymovies have less fans,they will take countermeasures by producing more sleezy movies.Actresses like Nirma just go with the flow.
Posted 07 Jun 2004


Age: 47
7575 days old here
Total Posts: 5
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Rotterdam, Netherlands
þSÿÇHØ said:

i agree man, she is so damn black that we can call her a nigger

Hmm that is a racist remark from someone who uses darkskinned Sharukh Khan as autar on this forum. I'm sorry but Africans are much darker and Bipasha is the better looking one. Reema is not that beautifull. Pakistan has beautifull actresses that are ten times as attractive as Reema....
Posted 07 Jun 2004


Age: 47
7575 days old here
Total Posts: 5
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Rotterdam, Netherlands
Hai I'm sorry if I offend some Pakistanis, but Reema is not that beautifull.There is a difference between pale and white, and she is is really pale....also her facial features are not that beautifull. I have seen pictures of Pakistan models/actresses with much more atttractive faces,they were also fair skinned but they looked good with it.
As far as Bipasha is concerned she is indeed darker but it looks good on her, she has also better facial structures than Reema, if she dressed like a decent woman she would have looked better than Reema.
Posted 07 Jun 2004