Age: 124
7872 days old here
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Lahore, Pakistan
How is the flu diagnosed? Health professionals usually can diagnose influenza using your symptoms alone, especially if many cases of a similar illness have occurred in the community and the local health department has confirmed a flu outbreak. Routine testing of people who have typical flu symptoms is usually not necessary. Rarely, the specific flu virus you have may be identified through a blood test or a nasal or throat swab.
How is it treated? Home treatment is usually all that is needed for flu symptoms. However, antiviral medications are available to reduce the duration and severity of symptoms. These medications are especially useful for older adults and others who are at risk for developing complications from the flu. These medications need to be started within 2 days of your first symptoms. Talk to your doctor if you think you may need an antiviral medicine. Not all antiviral medicines work against all strains of the flu.1
Can the flu be prevented? You can help prevent the flu by getting immunized with an influenza vaccine each year, ideally in October or November. The standard vaccine, known as the "flu shot," is given by injection. It can be given after age 6 months to anyone who wishes to help prevent the flu. The flu shot is recommended for:2
All children age 6 months to 23 months. All adults age 50 and older. Adults and children age 2 and older who have health conditions such as asthma, chronic heart or lung disorders, or an impaired immune system. Women who will be pregnant during the flu season. Close contacts (including household members and health care workers) of anyone in a high-risk category, which includes all children 23 months of age and younger. FluMist, a live-virus vaccine in the form of a nasal spray, is an alternative to the flu shot that is now available for healthy children and adults between the ages of 5 and 49, except pregnant women. FluMist should not be given to close contacts of people with severely impaired immune systems (such as those who have had a recent bone marrow transplant) to avoid their transmitting the virus after being vaccinated.
Age: 124
7872 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
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Lahore, Pakistan
What is influenza (flu)? Influenza (flu) is an illness caused by a virus that comes on suddenly, and causes symptoms such as fever, body aches, headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, a dry cough, and a sore or dry throat. The flu is not the same as the common cold; flu symptoms are usually more severe, and you will often miss more work or school than you would with a cold.
Most people recover without problems, but sometimes the illness leads to a bacterial infection, such as an ear infection, sinus infection, or bronchitis. Good home treatment may help prevent these infections. More serious complications, most commonly pneumonia, may develop in some people. People at increased risk for complications that require hospitalization are young children, adults age 65 and older, and those with serious medical problems.
What causes the flu? Influenza viruses A and B cause the classic flu. Type A is usually responsible for the outbreaks that occur annually.
These viruses are constantly changing, producing what are called subtypes or strains that are different from the original virus but retain some of its characteristics. Strains of influenza virus that cause the flu may differ from year to year.
What are the symptoms? The flu causes fever, cough, shaking chills, body aches, headache, and fatigue. These symptoms usually last for 3 to 4 days, after which you may have a dry cough, runny nose, and a sore or scratchy throat for another week or so. The incubation period-the time from exposure to the flu virus until you develop symptoms-is 1 to 4 days.
Although people often use the term "flu" to describe any kind of mild illness that has flu-like symptoms (such as the common cold or a stomach virus), the flu is a distinct viral illness with specific symptoms, and it tends to occur at a particular time of year-late fall and winter.
Age: 124
7872 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
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Lahore, Pakistan
karahi gosht
--Ingredients-- 1 kilo mutton or chicken 2 tsp ginger paste 2 tsp garlic paste salt according to taste 1 tsp freshly crushed black pepper 1/2 tsp red chili powder 5-6 tomatos (medium size) 3-4 whole green chilies 4 tbs oil
--Directions-- This dish is best cooked in a Wok (Karahi) but you can use a regular pot if you dont have a Wok. Add the meat in a pot with garlic & ginger and leave on medium heat for the water to dry. When that is done add 3 glasses of water, cover and leave to tenderize. If you're using chicken you dont have to add water and can move on the the next step. When the meat has softened add everything, including the oil, except green chilies & tomatos. Increase the heat to dry water if any then add green chilis & tomatoes. Lower the heat and cook covered for 5-10 minutes. Then when the tomatos have softened, increase the heat and evaporate all the water. The end result should be with very little gravy. Serve with Naan.
Age: 124
7872 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
Points: 0
Lahore, Pakistan
--Ingredients-- 1/2 kilo beef (Ask for Nihari meat at the desi butcher shop.) salt to taste 1 tsp pepper 1/2tsp haldi powder 1 tsp dhuniya powder 4 tbs oil 3 tbs flour (maida) 1 tsp ginger paste
Grind together the following:
2 tsp saunf 1/2 tsp black pepper, 1/2 tsp zeera, seeds of 2 small illaichi 10 cloves 2 bari illaichi 1 stick of cinnamon 1 bay leaf 1/4 tsp jaifal 2 tsp dhuniya seeds
--Directions-- Put oil in a pot. Add meat and fry it a little. Add salt,chili powder,haldi powder,dhuniya powder and ginger paste. Mix well.Add a little water. Dissolve the flour in half a cup of water and add this to the meat and bring to boil. Put all the grinded spices in a fine cotton cloth bundle and add to meat. Add 3-4 glasses af water,cover and leave to tenderize on very low flame. When meat has softened remove the bundle of spices and make the curry into desired consistency.
Garnish--Fry some onion slices in a litle oil til golden brown and add to Nihari. Also garnish with fresh dhuniya, ginger and green chilies.