Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
Important factors in Essential Hypertension

The following factors all play a role in essential hypertension and correcting them as far as possible, plays a very important role in the lifestyle treatment of high blood pressure.

Genetic Factors

The tendency to high blood pressure runs in families. If you have a parent with high blood pressure, it is important to make lifestyle changes from a young age and have your blood pressure checked regularly every few years. Often it may only start increasing from middle age onwards.

African Americans seem particularly prone to hypertension and its effects.


This is probably one of the main areas where lifestyle changes can be most effective and lead to substantial improvements in blood pressure levels.


There is no doubt that being overweight may bring on hypertension. The exact mechanism is unclear but may involve increased peripheral resistance and metabolic changes.


A high salt diet may increase the tendency to hypertension in some people - this is thought to be a factor in approximately 40% of people with hypertension. The exact mechanism is unclear.


There is some evidence suggesting that a high dietary potassium intake will reduce the risk of hypertension. Fruit tends to have a high potassium content and is the best source of dietary potassium.


A good calcium intake has been linked to hypertension and recent research has showed a high calcium diet (low fat dairy food) may help reduce high blood pressure.

The renin-angiotensin system

It is thought that abnormalities in the hormonal system in the kidney may lead to the production of chemicals (angiotensin) which brings on hypertension.

The exact mechanism remains unclear as does its importance in individual patients.


Excess alcohol (e.g. greater than 2-3 drinks a day) is a very important factor in many cases of high blood pressure. The exact mechanism by which alcohol increases blood pressure is uncertain, but it is believed to be a major factor in a substantial portion people with essential hypertension. It also leads to difficulty controlling it and resistance to the effects of medication.

Very modest drinking (1-2 drinks a day) may be beneficial for the heart - the key is the amount that is drunk!

Posted 13 Apr 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan

Hypertension is a major risk factor for stroke and heart attacks

The risk can be substantially reduced by attention to lifestyle issues

Medication has been shown to be safe and effective at reducing complications if pressures remain elevated.

Undetected and under-treated hypertension remains unfortunately common.

What is blood pressure?

Everyone has a blood pressure - in fact it is this pressure which makes the blood circulate through the bodies arterial system. Blood pressure fluctuates throughout the course of the day - it goes up during exercise and intense activity and is lower at rest and particularly lower during sleep.

How is it measured?

It is important that you are feeling rested and not rushed or stressed when having your blood pressure recorded.

A cuff is inflated over the arm and blown up; the pressure on the arm blocks the arterial pulse. As the pressure is let down, jets or blood start getting through the artery (this is heard through the stethoscope).

The point at which these sounds are first heard is called the systolic blood pressure and is the reading on the top. The pressure is recorded in millimeters of mercury as this is what is in the column that measures the pressure reading.

As the pressure in the cuff goes lower, the pulsing sounds get fainter and fade away; the point at which they fade away totally is known as the diastolic blood pressure and is the bottom reading.

Both the top and bottom readings are important in determining the risks of high blood pressure.

For example a pressure of 120/80 means the systolic pressure is 120 and the diastolic is 80.

It is important that the correct sized cuff is used - if you have a bigger arm a larger cuff is needed, otherwise a reading may be falsely too high.

Because blood pressure varies so much, it is important to have itchecked several times. If the pressure is high, it should be rechecked several times over a period of time.

If it is very high (e.g. 180/110), it should be checked sooner (within days or weeks), but if it is only just above normal (e.g. 145/95), it is fine to check it in a few months.

Automated home blood pressure machines are also increasingly used. If these are used it is important that they are reliable and accurate (your doctor may be able to guide you).

Increasingly, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring may be used to gain a better picture of what a blood pressure is actually doing. A cuff is worn for 24 hours and a series of recordings is made, including during sleep. It is particularly useful in cases where blood pressure is very labile (up and down) and where it is in a borderline category (where treatment decisions may be more difficult).

It may also be useful to help establish which patients may just be getting an "alarm response" (pressure goes up when being measured).

High blood pressure should not be diagnosed until there have been consistent high measurements on several occasions.

What is normal?

Levels around 130/80 and below are absolutely fine. Doctors are generally concerned when levels are consistently greater than 140/90, as this is the level above which blood pressure starts significantly contributing to the long term risk of increased cardiovascular problems (strokes and heart attacks).

Depending on the exact classification used, pressures around 140-150/90-100 would be called mild hypertension. Pressures around 150-170/100-110 would be called moderate, and pressures higher, e.g. 200/120 would be considered fairly severe.

In reality blood pressure is a continuum, and it is sometimes difficult to be categoric about exactly what category a person is in. The higher the pressure is, the greater the risk that it will lead to further problems.

Causes of high blood pressure

The exact cause of most (90-95%) cases of high blood pressure remain unclear. It is probably caused by a mixture of lifestyle and dietary factors in people who have a genetic tendency.

In a smaller group of patients, a single underlying condition may be responsible - this is more likely to be the case in a young person with very high blood pressure and none of the usual lifestyle risk factors. Such cases are referred to as secondary hypertension. They can usually be identified by careful examination and additional tests if indicated.

Posted 13 Apr 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
Posted 13 Apr 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
Apple Squash
Ingredients :

1. Fresh ripe Apples   - 1kg
Water      - 1cup
2. Sugar    - 11/2 to 13/4kg
Water       - 2 cups
Citric Acid   - 2 heaped tsp
3. Cinnamon 1inch length - 6 pieces
Water      - 1/4cup
4. Yellow Colour    - a pinch
5. Potassium meta bisulphate - 1/4tsp

Method :

Peel the apples and cut into small pieces. Grind it smoothly with 1cup of water in a liquidiser. Instead of using the liquidiser, you can also steam the apple pieces, smash and mix it well with 1 cup of water. Add the water slowly to the mixture, strain in a sieve and keep aside.

Crush the cinnamon pieces and boil it in 1/4cup of water. When it boils, filter the water and keep aside.

Heat 1/2kg sugar, 2 cups water and citric acid in a vessel. Stir it continuously. When the sugar dissolves in the water, add the apple pulp into it. Add the cinnamon solution and yellow colour in it. Remove from fire as soon as it boils and allow to cool. When the solution cools, dissolve potassium meta bisulphate in it and store the squash in a dry bottle.

Note: You can make tasty Mango soufflé by adding the required amount of milk and cream with this squash.

Posted 13 Apr 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
Posted 13 Apr 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
Grape Squash
Method 1

Ingredients :

Grape (black) - 1kg
Sugar    - 1kg
Water   - 6cups
Citric Acid - 1tsp
Grape Essence - 1tsp
Method of Preparation :

Cook the grapes for 10 minutes. When cool, squeeze it well and sieve. Make a syrup with sugar, water and citric acid. Add the grape juice and essence to this syrup and stir well. Store the squash in a bottle. To serve, take 1/4glass of squash and mix it with water. Add more sugar if needed.

Method 2

Ingredients :

Grape juice   - 6cups
Water   - 6cups
Sugar    - 12cups
Citric Acid - 4tsp
Grape Essence (tonovin) - 2tsp
Sodium benzoate - 11/4tsp
Method of Preparation :

Clean the grapes (either black or rose) and smash it with a ladle. Boil this until the grapes completely dissolves in the solution. After that filter it and remove the skin and the seeds. Keep aside and allow it to cool.

Heat the water and add sugar and citric acid to it. When the sugar completely dissolves, remove from the fire and sieve through a thin cloth. Allow it to cool.

Add the grape juice in the sugar solution. Stir it well. Add the essence in it. Dissolve sodium benzoate in some water and mix it with the squash. Keep it in a dry air tight bottle.

Posted 13 Apr 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
Mango squash
Ingredients :

Ripe Mango juice - 6cups
Water   - 9cups
Sugar   - 9cups
Citric Acid - 4tsp
Potassium meta bisulphate - 3/4tsp
Method :

Cut the mango (with less fibre) into small piece and with the hands, squeeze the juice from it. Strain the juice through a sieve and keep aside.

Heat the water and add sugar and citric acid to it. When the sugar completely dissolves, remove from fire and sieve through a thin cloth. Allow it to cool.

Add the mango juice in the sugar solution. Stir it well. Dissolve potassium meta bisulphate in some water and mix it with the squash. Keep it in an air tight bottle.

Posted 13 Apr 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
sochan wali gal aey
Posted 13 Apr 2006


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Lahore, Pakistan
Posted 13 Apr 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
chalo good
Thanks to ALLAH
Posted 13 Apr 2006


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Lahore, Pakistan
Posted 13 Apr 2006

Topic: hi


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
cutegirl said:

hi everyone, i m new to this forum. can anyone tell me how can i start?

hi CG
yeh topic post ker kay start to aap lay hi chuki hain
bas isi terha different topics main jo aap kay interest k hon wahan posting kerti rahain
khud bhi new topics post kerain
ager koi problem ho abt avatar/signature loading or posting u can pm me
main aap ki help keroon gi
Posted 13 Apr 2006

Topic: chandbabu


Age: 124
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na baqiyun ka kiya qasoor hai jo oon ko thnx nahin kaha

chandni aaj kal zara busy hai
Posted 13 Apr 2006

Topic: abut me


Age: 124
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hi CG
welcome to jb
nice to meet u
keep posting
Posted 13 Apr 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
hain hain yeh kon hain

aur "wo jo kaha hai" achha hai lakin mera khayal hai kuchh spell mistake hai
tabhi dr sb ko samajh nahin aaya
Posted 12 Apr 2006

Topic: Loh-E-Qurani


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Posted 12 Apr 2006


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Posted 12 Apr 2006


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Posted 12 Apr 2006


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Posted 12 Apr 2006


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Posted 12 Apr 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan

phir vahii maa.Nge hue lamhe, phir vahii jaam-e-sharaab
phir vahii taariik raato.n me.n Khayaal-e-maah_taab

Posted 12 Apr 2006


Age: 124
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ab kya haal hai
Posted 12 Apr 2006

Topic: batbazi


Age: 124
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ye kis Khalish ne phir is dil me.n aashiyaanaa kiyaa
phir aaj kis ne suKhan ham se Gaayebaanaa kiyaa

Posted 12 Apr 2006


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SupidGuy said:

To:- Sall and QV

bhai sb zara explain bhi ker dain
Posted 12 Apr 2006

Topic: chandbabu


Age: 124
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welcome chand babu to jb
have fun
keep posting
Posted 12 Apr 2006


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Posted 12 Apr 2006

Topic: Deep Grief


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
kal GEO per daikhti rahi sab kuch
bohat buraa haal tha wahan
bohat dukh hua
Allah wafaat panay walay logon jo jannat ata fermaye aur zakhmiyun ko sehat AMEEN
Posted 12 Apr 2006


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lay dus
Posted 12 Apr 2006


Age: 124
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hor fer
next kon?
Posted 12 Apr 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
don nay game khaila hai sab kay saath

weldone TT
congratss on ur silver jubblieeeeee
Posted 12 Apr 2006