Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
kaisi ho sall?
Posted 08 Mar 2006

Topic: TT BHAI


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Lahore, Pakistan
Posted 08 Mar 2006


Age: 124
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lai vee na gaye tay nibhaye vi na gaye
mainay marda jahan menu sara
Posted 08 Mar 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
yeh wesay wesay dr ban'na kya hota hai bitoo
Posted 07 Mar 2006


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Lahore, Pakistan
uth jao bitoo subha ho gaye hai
Posted 07 Mar 2006


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Lahore, Pakistan

shahar main Dhuund rahaa huun ke sahaara de de
koi haatim jo mere haath mainn kaasaa de de

paid sab nange faqeeron kii tarah sahmay hain
kis se ummeed ye kii jaaye kay saayaa de de

(Rahat indori)
Posted 07 Mar 2006

Topic: batbazi


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
ye bhii kyaa ehasaan kam hain dekhiye na aap kaa
ho rahaa hai har taraf charchaa hamaaraa aap kaa
(wajida tabassum)

Posted 07 Mar 2006


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Lahore, Pakistan
nice sharing
Posted 07 Mar 2006


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Lahore, Pakistan
i read it some where else
Posted 07 Mar 2006



Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
pak time kay lihaz say shaam 4.30 per repeat telecast ho chuki hai mishall
aaj result say pehlay recap daikhna
Posted 07 Mar 2006

Topic: AKHRAT ......


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moved to poetry cafe
Posted 07 Mar 2006

Topic: AKHRAT ......


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
But we all know as Muslims,
When it's time for you to die;
You'll not be given a second chance,
To say a last goodbye;

So live each day as If it's your last,
And never forget to pray;
So when the angels come to ask,
You'll know the words to say.
Posted 07 Mar 2006



Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
they sang last night
wedding songs
Karuniya always on top
antara nay kal kuch khaas nahin gaya
Amey was good
Anuj so so raha
I think is baar sandeep jaye ga(ager aaj kay result main say kisi ko nikala gaya to)
Posted 07 Mar 2006


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Lahore, Pakistan
moved to introduction
Posted 07 Mar 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
mujh say milo main bhi chandni ki oldest frnd hoon

Posted 07 Mar 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan

What is it?

Cirrhosis is a liver condition characterized by scar formation in the liver, accompanied by regeneration (new growth) of tissue. These changes in the liver is the result of repetitive damage to the liver, usually over a prolonged period of time. As a result, the liver becomes hardened, nodular, and may shrink. At a later stage the functioning of the liver may decline.

The most important causes are:

1. Alcohol (prolonged and excessive use)

2. Viral hepatitis -hepatitis B, hepatitis C, other viruses.

3. Inherited diseases - Wilson's disease, Haemochromatosis(iron overload), Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency.

4. Drugs and Toxins - methotrexate, isoniazid, methlydopa, arsenic.

5. Biliary cirrhosis.

6. Chronic heart failure (cardiac cirrhosis).

What are the consequences?

Cirrhosis can lead to:

1. Liver failure with jaundice and confusion (hepatic encephelopathy)

2. Portal hypertension (increases pressure in the vessels that drain the liver). This can cause severe bleeding, particularly from dilated veins (varices) in the oesophagus. It may also cause an enlarged spleen.

3. Ascites (fluid in the abdominal cavity). This results from decreases protein production by the liver, as well as portal hypertension.

4. Bleeding due to decreased production by the liver of clotting factors.

5. Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis - this is an infection in the ascites, which can be very serious.

6. Renal failure (hepato-renal syndrome)

7. Liver cancer (hepatoma)


Diagnosis requires a careful history, particularly relating to alcohol intake, as well as a clinical examination. Blood tests can usually identify abnormalities in liver function, as well as identify the different viruses which cause hepatitis. Radiological scanning (ultrasound, CT or MRI) of the liver shows evidence of scarring. In some cases a biopsy of the liver is required, so that a piece of tissue can be examined under the microscope.

Posted 07 Mar 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
thnx dear
Posted 07 Mar 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan

Alcohol may be good for your heart if taken in moderation.

Teetotalers and heavy drinkers have higher death rates than moderate drinkers do

There is controversy over what moderate drinking means

More than three drinks a day for men and over two for women is considered too much

One in 13 people are believed to be alcoholics

Heavy drinking has been linked to suicide, fatal accidents and fatal diseases

Alcohol can harm unborn children

Drinkers are advised to have alcohol free days

There is a wide range of alcohol treatment programmes available

What are the issues?

Many drinkers have been heartened in recent years by the news from several studies that alcohol may actually be good for you. However, it must be stressed that drinking alcohol is only beneficial if it's done in moderation.

The majority of the population drinks alcohol, only about 10 percent are teetotalers.

Alcohol dependency is one of the most common drug problems all over the world. One person in 13 is believed to be an alcoholic. Several million more people drink too much and are at risk of alcohol abuse.

Alcohol addiction is a serious issue. Alcohol consumption is linked to 80 percent of suicides, 50 percent of murders, 30 percent of fatal road crashes, and 15 percent of drownings. It is also a factor in one in three divorces, and one in three cases of child abuse.

Drinking alcohol can increase the likelihood of cirrhosis of the liver, harm an unborn child, and has been linked to breast cancer in women and cancer of the mouth, oesophagus, pharynx, larynx, and liver.

Heavy drinking has also been associated with poor sexual performance, dementia and muscle degeneration.

On the other hand moderate drinking in middle age has been shown to reduce deaths from heart disease by about one third. An Australian study shows the heart attack risk is lowest among men who report one to four drinks daily on five or six days a week and for women who have two standard drinks a day, five or six days a week.

Infrequent drinkers and teetotalers are not advised to drink more because they may run the risk of developing an alcohol problem.

What is moderate drinking?

There is controversy over what moderate drinking is. A common guideline is one standard drink a day for women and two for men, and no heavy drinking sessions at all. Another recommendation is three or four small drinks for men, three or four times a week and two or three small drinks for women, three or four times a week. UK health authorities suggest a limit of 14 drinks a week for women and 21drinks a week for men.

Many people fall outside these guidelines and some could have an alcohol problem.

The definition of a standard drink also varies, but a general guide is one can of beer, one small glass of wine, and one nip of spirits.

There is no strong evidence that wine drinking is any better than drinking beer or spirits.

Women need to drink less than men because they have less fluid in their bodies so alcohol has a stronger effect. They are also smaller than men.

People with low body weight and a small frame should drink less than others.

What are the warning signs of a drinking problem?

Some of the early signs of problem drinking include:

Drinking faster than others.
Thinking of ways to get extra drinks when socialising with others
Spending too much money on alcohol
Denying the problem and understating how much you are drinking
Feeling guilt or remorse about drinking
Memory loss while drinking
Promising to drink less
Drinking to cope with normal stress

The CAGE questionnaire is commonly used for people to find out if they have an alcohol problem. Answer the questions honestly:

Have you ever felt you should Cut down on your drinking?
Have people Annoyed you by criticising your drinking?
Have you ever felt bad or Guilty about your drinking?
Have you ever had an "Eye opener" - a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves?

Just one yes answer indicates a possible drinking problem. Yes to more than one question suggests a likely drinking problem. Even if you answered no to all the questions but your drinking is causing problems with relationships, your job, or the law, you should seek help.

When does problem drinking become alcoholism?

There is no standard definition of alcoholism. However, it is generally linked to an uncontrollable urge to drink, needing to drink more to feel the effects, and chronic intoxication.

A strong craving for alcohol, not being able to stop drinking and suffering withdrawal symptoms such as shakiness when sober are all symptoms of alcoholism.

The need for alcohol may become as strong as the desire for food or water. The majority of alcoholics cannot stop drinking without treatment and support.

People who cannot go without a drink for three days in a row may be alcoholics.

It is not unusual for heavy drinkers to deny they have problem.

Men who drink more than six drinks a day and women who have more than four drinks a day are drinking too much and run the risk of illness or alcohol-related problems.

What are the effects of alcohol on unborn children?

Women are advised to abstain from alcohol when they become pregnant or are trying for a baby.

Exposing the fetus to alcohol can cause birth defects known as fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).

The condition is normally found in babies of mothers who drank excessively during pregnancy. However, studies have also shown it can occur with mothers having just one drink a day.

Infants with FAS may be born small, have problems with eating and sleeping, seeing and hearing, following directions, paying attention at school and making friends.

In serious cases the child may need medical care all their lives and need special-aide teachers.

What can be done to help?

If you think you drink too much try to limit your intake. Alcoholics are advised to give up drinking altogether.

Write down your reasons for cutting down. You may want to do it for health reasons, to sleep better or wake up in the morning without a hang over.

Decide before drinking how many drinks will have and stick to it. Reward yourself with a treat for keeping to your limit.

Team up with a friend and help support each other to drink less.

Avoid rounds because this can make you drink more. Put your glass down between sips to stop drinking as fast.

Pace your drinks by having a non-alcoholic drink in between alcoholic ones.

If you are worried about how much you are drinking go and do something else, go and dance or take time out for five minutes.

It may pay to avoid people and places that make you drink while you are cutting down.

Try to have three alcohol free days a week. Learn how to say no to a drink.

Don't give up if you are not successful the first time. Many people need a few trial runs before reaching their goal.

Seek help from a treatment programme. Most heavy drinkers cannot give up without professional guidance.

Medicines are also available which cause nasty side effects when alcohol is consumed.

How can alcohol abuse be prevented?

Many people are believed to inherit a drinking addiction from their parents. If your parent was or is a heavy drinker then you could be at risk. You need to watch the amount you drink.

People can control their drinking by having three alcohol free days a week, and by not drinking more than four alcoholic beverages in one sitting.

Switch to low alcohol beer and mix drinks with non-alcoholic drinks like lemonade.

Posted 07 Mar 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
Mango Ice Cream
Ingredients :

Single Cream    - 2/3cup
Egg Yolks - 2
Corn flour   - 1/2tsp
Water    - 1tsp
Sliced Mango - 3 or 4 (medium size)
Lemon juice - 1tbs
Heavy Cream   - 2/3cup
Method :

In a bowl mix the egg yolks with corn flour and water until smooth. Heat the single cream in a saucepan. Do not allow to boil. Pour it to the egg yolk mixture, stirring all the time. Transfer the mixture to the pan and place it over a very low heat. Stir the mixture continuously until it gets thickens and pour into a bowl.

Puree the mango slices in a blender until smooth and sieve. Mix it with the custard and stir in the lime juice. Whip the double (heavy) cream until soft peaks form. Fold into the mango mixture until thoroughly combined.

Transfer the mixture to a freezer proof container. Cover and freeze until half-frozen and still mushy in the centre. Turn the mixture into a bowl and mash well with a fork until smooth. Return to the container, cover and freeze again until firm. Keep the container in the main compartment of the refrigerator for about 30 minutes before serving to allow the ice-cream to soften slightly.
Posted 07 Mar 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
Coconut Ice Cream
Ingredients :

Granulated Sugar - 2/3cup
Water     - 11/4cup
Coconut Milk   - 800ml
Double (heavy) Cream - 11/4cup
Desiccated Coconut - 2tbs
Method :

Heat sugar and water in a saucepan stirring occasionally until the sugar dissolves. Boil for 10 minutes without stirring. Remove it from the heat and allow to cool slightly. Mix the cooled syrup with the coconut milk and pour into a container. Cover and freeze for about 3 hours or until semi-frozen around the edges and mushy in the centre.

Transfer the mixture to a bowl and cut up with a knife. Then place half the quantity at a time in a food processor and process until smooth, or whisk thoroughly by hand. Turn the mixture into a bowl. Whip the cream until soft peaks form and fold into the ice-cream, then stir in the desiccated coconut. Return the mixture to the container and freeze again until solid.
Posted 07 Mar 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
Kulfi ( Indian Ice Cream)
Method 1
Ingredients :

Boiling Water   - 1/3cup
Cardamom    - 4nos
Condensed Milk   - 425gm
Cold Water   - 1/3cup
Unsalted pistachio nuts - 1/4cup
Blanched almonds - 1/4cup
Almond essence - 2drops
Double (heavy) Cream - 2/3cup

Method of Preparation:

Pour the boiling water into a bowl, stir in a cardamom seeds and leave for 15 minutes to infuse.

Meanwhile, put the condensed milk into a blender together with cold water, pistachio nuts, almonds and almond essence. Process the mixture until very finely mixed. Add the cooled and strained cardamom water and pour into a bowl. Whip the cream until soft peaks form. Whisk into the mixture. Pour into a container and freeze until semi-frozen around the edges and mushy in the centre.

Transfer the mixture to a bowl and mash well with a fork. Divide the mixture evenly between 6-8 small moulds and freeze for at least 4 hours or overnight until firm. To serve, dip the base of each mould quickly into hot water and run a knife around the top edge. Turn out on to serving plate.

Method 2

Ingredients :

Milk   - 6cups
Corn flour or arrowroot - 8tbs
Mawa    - 11/2cup
Castor Sugar - 13/4cup
Cream    - 1cup
Keora Essence
Badam, Pista, Cardamom - few pieces

Method of Preparation :

Preparing Mawa : Boil 1 litre milk and add a pinch of soda, stirring continuously. When it thickens to mawa consistency remove from heat and cool.

Put corn flour and sufficient amount of mil to make thick paste. Grind it for few seconds. Add rest of milk and grind once again. Pour it into a vessel and boil until it thickens. Add mawa to it and remove immediately from heat. Grate badam, pista and cardamom. Add sugar and cream to it. Add this to the prepared paste. Pour a few drops of keora essence. Fill the paste in a conical container. Seal tightly with aluminium foil and freeze.
Posted 07 Mar 2006

Topic: Bollywood


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
Posted 07 Mar 2006


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Lahore, Pakistan
Posted 06 Mar 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
aisa kaisay ho sakta hai HH
im v serious abt my profession
Posted 06 Mar 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
its simple bitto
jo ur raha ho ga wo
aur jo ur rahi ho gi wo chirya

chalo ab ja kay perho
faltoo baton main time waste mat kero
Posted 06 Mar 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
Woh Jis kay Hotay huwe Hotay thay Zamaanay Apnay
aaj daikha zamanay say pata apna ussay poochhtay huey
adab arz hai

I think sahi lafz meray nahin apnay hai
Posted 06 Mar 2006


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
700 per month daiti hoon net walon ko 24 hrs
jabkay mai to use hi bohat kam kerti hoon
sirf din main
kabhi kabhi bohat achhi service hoti hai aur kabhi
Posted 06 Mar 2006

Topic: Bollywood


Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
Aishwariya rai
Ayesha takia?
akhshay khanna/salman
Zaid khan
Posted 06 Mar 2006


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Lahore, Pakistan
Posted 06 Mar 2006

Topic: Dekho.....


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Lahore, Pakistan
chalo chhado
Posted 04 Mar 2006